
čt 20. 9. 2018 v 17:55 odesílatel Dave Cramer <davecra...@gmail.com> napsal:

> Is there somewhere that the transaction semantics inside a procedure are
> documented ? From what I can tell transactions start from the first DML
> statement and end implicitly when the procedure exits. Commit or Rollback
> can be called anytime inside the transaction and this implicitly starts
> another transaction.
> Is there anything else I am missing ? Does DDL get applied after the
> transaction ends ?

The CALL statement starts possible chain of transactions. You can check
pg_stat_activity - transaction is started by CALL command.

> I do find this somewhat surprising as Postgres typically requires a BEGIN
> statement to start a transaction block.

When SELECT is not executed under explicitly started transactions, then
transaction is started implicitly before execution of SELECT command.

There is different behave - SELECT is executed under only one transaction
without exception. The procedure looks like client batch executed on
server. It can be sequence of transactions.



> Thanks
> Dave Cramer

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