This function shows that only clock_timestamp() advances inside a
procedure, not statement_timestamp() or transaction_timestamp():

        CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE test_timestamp () AS $$
                str TEXT;
                WHILE TRUE LOOP
                        -- clock_timestamp() is updated on every loop
                        SELECT clock_timestamp() INTO str;
                        RAISE NOTICE 'clock       %', str;
                        SELECT statement_timestamp() INTO str;
                        RAISE NOTICE 'statement   %', str;
                        SELECT transaction_timestamp() INTO str;
                        RAISE NOTICE 'transaction %', str;
                        PERFORM pg_sleep(2);
                END LOOP;
        $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

        CALL test_timestamp();
        NOTICE:  clock       2018-09-20 19:38:22.575794-04
        NOTICE:  statement   2018-09-20 19:38:22.575685-04
        NOTICE:  transaction 2018-09-20 19:38:22.575685-04

-->     NOTICE:  clock       2018-09-20 19:38:24.578027-04
        NOTICE:  statement   2018-09-20 19:38:22.575685-04
        NOTICE:  transaction 2018-09-20 19:38:22.575685-04

This surprised me since I expected a new timestamp after commit.  Is
this something we want to change or document?  Are there other
per-transaction behaviors we should adjust?

  Bruce Momjian  <>

+ As you are, so once was I.  As I am, so you will be. +
+                      Ancient Roman grave inscription +

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