On Thu, Aug 09, 2018 at 01:05:56PM +0900, Amit Langote wrote:
> Attached updated patch.

So, except if I am missing something, what we have here is a patch which
has been debatted quite a bit and has semantics which look nice.  Any
objections if we move forward with this patch?

+-- all tables in the tree
+select *, pg_relation_size(relid) as size from
+    relid    |  parentid  | level | isleaf | size
+ ptif_test   |            |     0 | f      |     0
+ ptif_test0  | ptif_test  |     1 | f      |     0
+ ptif_test1  | ptif_test  |     1 | f      |     0
+ ptif_test2  | ptif_test  |     1 | t      | 16384
+ ptif_test01 | ptif_test0 |     2 | t      | 24576

One thing is that this test depends on the page size.  There are already
plan modifications if running the regress tests with a size other than
8kB, but I don't think that we should make that worse, so I would
suggest to replace to use "pg_relation_size(relid) > 0" instead.

I have moved the patch to next CF for now.

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