On 09/30/2018 05:48 AM, Andres Freund wrote:> I think we should drop WITH OIDs support.


2) We need to be able to manually insert into catalog tables. Both
    initdb and emergency surgery.  My current hack is doing so directly
    in nodeModifyTable.c but that's beyond ugly.  I think we should add
    an explicit DEFAULT clause to those columns with something like
    nextoid('tablename', 'name_of_index') or such.

Adding a function to get the next OID sounds like a good solution for both our catalog and legacy applications. The only potential disadvantage that I see is that this function becomes something we need to maintain if we ever decide to move from OIDs to sequences.

3) The quickest way to deal with the bootstrap code was to just assign
    all oids for oid carrying tables that don't yet have any assigned.
    That doesn't generally seem terrible, although it's certainly badly
    implemented right now.  That'd mean we'd have three ranges of oids
    probably, unless we somehow have the bootstrap code advance the
    in-database oid counter to a right state before we start with
    post-bootstrap work.  I like the idea of all bootstrap time oids
    being determined by genbki.pl (I think that'll allow to remove some
    code too).

Agreed, having genbki.pl determine all oids in the bootstrap data sounds ideal.


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