On 10/30/18, Peter Eisentraut <peter.eisentr...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
> 3. Radical alternative: Collapse everything into one new column.  We
> could combine atthasdef and attgenerated and even attidentity into a new
> column.  (Only one of the three can be the case.)  This would give
> client code a clean break, which may or may not be good.  The
> implementation would be uglier than #1 but probably cleaner than #2.  We
> could also get 4 bytes back per pg_attribute row.

Thinking about the distinction between 'stored' and 'virtual', I
immediately thought of atthasmissing. In a way it indicates that there
is a virtual default value. It seems the level of materialization is
an orthogonal concept to the kind of value we have. What if
attgenerated had

d = normal default value
i = identity default
a = identity always
c = generated column

and in addition there was an attmaterialized column with

s = stored
v = virtual

In this scheme,
-Normal attribute: '\0' + 's'
-Default value: 'd' + 's'
-Fast default: 'd' + 'v' until the table is rewritten
-Identity column: 'i'/'a' + 's'
-Generated column: 'c' + 's'/'v'

This way, we'd still end up with 1 fewer column (2 new ones minus
atthasdef, attidentity, and atthasmissing).

A bit crazier, what if "d = dropped" was another allowed value in
attmaterialized -- we could then get rid of attisdropped as well. That
has obvious disadvantages, but the broader idea is that this design
may have use cases we haven't thought of yet.


-John Naylor

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