Tom Lane wrote:

> OK, reasonable arguments were made why not to allow multi-character
> separators.  Should we then match the server and insist on a single-byte
> separator?  It's a bit inconsistent if psql can be made to emit "csv"
> files that COPY can't read, especially when it's otherwise a subset
> of what COPY allows.

I seem to be the only one advocating to accept an Unicode
character here, and I won't insist on it.

There's still a minor annoyance to solve if we want to claim full
compatibility with COPY CSV: backslash followed by dot must be
quoted to avoid being interpreted as an end of data indicator.

A proposed fix is attached. print_csv_vertical() is left unchanged
because it's not possible currently to end up with \. alone
on a line with the expanded display: we'd need to allow
first for an empty field separator, I believe.

Best regards,
Daniel Vérité
PostgreSQL-powered mailer:
Twitter: @DanielVerite
diff --git a/src/fe_utils/print.c b/src/fe_utils/print.c
index 3b07280..d31b6af 100644
--- a/src/fe_utils/print.c
+++ b/src/fe_utils/print.c
@@ -1793,7 +1793,16 @@ print_csv_text(const printTableContent *cont, FILE *fout)
        if (cont->opt->start_table && !cont->opt->tuples_only)
                /* print headers */
-               for (ptr = cont->headers; *ptr; ptr++)
+               /*
+                * A \. alone on a line must be quoted to be compatible with 
+                * for which \. is an end-of-data marker.
+                */
+               if (cont->ncolumns == 1 && strcmp(*cont->headers, "\\.") == 0)
+               {
+                       csv_escaped_print(*cont->headers, fout);
+               }
+               else for (ptr = cont->headers; *ptr; ptr++)
                        if (ptr != cont->headers)
                                fputs(cont->opt->fieldSepCsv, fout);
@@ -1805,7 +1814,14 @@ print_csv_text(const printTableContent *cont, FILE *fout)
        /* print cells */
        for (i = 0, ptr = cont->cells; *ptr; i++, ptr++)
-               csv_print_field(*ptr, fout, cont->opt->fieldSepCsv);
+               /*
+                * A \. alone on a line must be quoted to be compatible with 
+                * for which \. is an end-of-data marker.
+                */
+               if (cont->ncolumns == 1 && strcmp(*ptr, "\\.") == 0)
+                       csv_escaped_print(*ptr, fout);
+               else
+                       csv_print_field(*ptr, fout, cont->opt->fieldSepCsv);
                if ((i + 1) % cont->ncolumns)
                        fputs(cont->opt->fieldSepCsv, fout);

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