On 11/27/18 4:11 PM, Stephen Frost wrote:
I agree with your larger point, but in this case the two breakages do not
seem equal. As far as I gather the removal of recovery.conf will in practice
result in a longer downtime when your recovery scripts breaks but not any
data loss. While if we remove the exclusive backup mode then some people's
backup scripts will break and if they do not properly monitor their backups
they risk data loss.

Let's please try to remember that this is across a major version upgrade
and is removing a broken capability that's already been deprecated for a
couple years.

I know that and you know that, but even our own manual use the exclusive mode in some of the examples, e.g: "pg_start_backup('label_goes_here')"[1].

Your point about that people who do not monitor their backups wont notice warnings is fair, but even so I think we should give people more time to migrate when even our own documentation isn't always clear about the exclusive mode being deprecated.

1. https://www.postgresql.org/docs/11/functions-admin.html#FUNCTIONS-ADMIN-BACKUP


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