On Fri, Nov 30, 2018 at 01:36:43AM +0000, Michael Paquier wrote:
> Switch pg_verify_checksums back to a blacklist
> This basically reverts commit d55241af705667d4503638e3f77d3689fd6be31,
> leaving around a portion of the regression tests still adapted with
> empty relation files, and corrupted cases.  This is also proving to be
> failing to check properly relation files located in a non-default
> tablespace path.

So, jacana is not in love with this commit for the tests:

The error is here:
server started
# Postmaster PID for node "node_checksum" is 14820
error running SQL: 'psql:<stdin>:1: ERROR:  directory
does not exist'

What visibly happens is that we create a path for a tablespace which
will include a corrupted table.  However psql tries to run CREATE
TABLESPACE but gets back a complain about the path not existing.  The
thing is that mkdir has been used beforehand so the path should be

I have tested this set of TAP tests on my Windows 10 VM with MSVC 2015
before commit and those tests passed.  Could it be that jacana is using
msys, so a trick similar to what is used in 014_unlogged_reinit.pl is

Andrew, could you confirm if the patch attached works?  I would prefer
not doing a blind fix if possible..
diff --git a/src/bin/pg_verify_checksums/t/002_actions.pl b/src/bin/pg_verify_checksums/t/002_actions.pl
index 12cca604e6..181f58f67c 100644
--- a/src/bin/pg_verify_checksums/t/002_actions.pl
+++ b/src/bin/pg_verify_checksums/t/002_actions.pl
@@ -113,11 +113,10 @@ command_fails(['pg_verify_checksums',  '-D', $pgdata],
 check_relation_corruption($node, 'corrupt1', 'pg_default');
 # Create tablespace to check corruptions in a non-default tablespace.
-my $basedir = $node->basedir;
-my $tablespace_dir = "$basedir/ts_corrupt_dir";
-mkdir ($tablespace_dir);
+my $tablespaceDir = TestLib::tempdir;
+my $realTSDir = TestLib::real_dir($tablespaceDir);
-	"CREATE TABLESPACE ts_corrupt LOCATION '$tablespace_dir';");
+	"CREATE TABLESPACE ts_corrupt LOCATION '$realTSDir';");
 check_relation_corruption($node, 'corrupt2', 'ts_corrupt');
 # Utility routine to check that pg_verify_checksums is able to detect

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