On 29.11.2018 05:00, Michael Paquier wrote:
The main patch had to be reverted a couple of days ago via 1d7dd18, and
I have been digging and fixing the set of issues the buildfarm has been
complaining about since.  There were two problems:

Thank you for working on the patch.

I run world-check. It works perfectly. I think the patch is in good shape.

I am attaching the patch I would like to commit to close this thread,
which has as single change TAP_TESTS commented out in contrib/bloom/ to
not explode the buildfarm.  Any objections to that?

As far as I understand bloom TAP tests are stable on some platforms, such as linux. Can be TAP test disabled only for some specific platforms? For example (as far as I know 'darwin' refers to MacOS):

ifeq (,$(filter win32 darwin,$(PORTNAME)))

PS. But after rereading the Makefile I see that the problem here is to get $(PORTNAME). It is defined in Makefile.global, which is included below defining TAP_TESTS variable.

Arthur Zakirov
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
Russian Postgres Company

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