> That doesn't indicate an error.  You need to provide more details what
> made you consider things wedged...
> Andres

Thank you very much for the reply.  We typically see no visible replication
delay over 5 minutes ever.  Today we saw a delay of over 3 hours, and no
obvious increase in workload either on the provider or the subscriber.  I
also did not see the LSN advancing whatsoever in terms of applying changes.

I first checked for long-running transactions on the master but there was
nothing too unusual except an ANALYZE which I promptly killed, but with no
improvement to the situation.

I found the messages above using strace after canceling the subscription
and finding that the process was taking extremely long to cancel.  There
are 2.1 million files in pg_replslot which I don't think is normal?  Any
ideas as to where I should be looking or what could cause this?


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