Hi all,

When you look at Postgres' SQL reference documentation for `GRANT`, the
`ALL TABLES` clause is explained as :

> ALL TABLES also affects views and foreign tables, just like
the specific-object GRANT command.

A colleague of mine was asking himself if it included materialized views or
not (well, yes it does).

I made that tiny patch to add materialized views to the list. It builds on
my laptop.

Then another question crossed my mind... What about partitioned tables ?
I'm pretty sure it works for them too (because they're basically tables)
but should we add them too ? I couldn't decide whether to add them too or
not so I refrain from doing it and am asking you the question.

What do you think ?


*Think! Do you really need to print this email ? *
*There is no Planet B.*
diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/ref/grant.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/ref/grant.sgml
index e98fe86052..37b5ccdf13 100644
--- a/doc/src/sgml/ref/grant.sgml
+++ b/doc/src/sgml/ref/grant.sgml
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ GRANT <replaceable class="parameter">role_name</replaceable> [, ...] TO <replace
    There is also an option to grant privileges on all objects of the same
    type within one or more schemas.  This functionality is currently supported
    only for tables, sequences, functions, and procedures.  <literal>ALL
-   TABLES</literal> also affects views and foreign tables, just like the
+   TABLES</literal> also affects views, materialized views and foreign tables, just like the
    specific-object <command>GRANT</command> command.  <literal>ALL
    FUNCTIONS</literal> also affects aggregate and window functions, but not
    procedures, again just like the specific-object <command>GRANT</command>

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