On 2018/12/20 10:47, Tatsuro Yamada wrote:
On 2018/12/20 10:38, Michael Paquier wrote:
On Thu, Dec 20, 2018 at 10:05:30AM +0900, Tatsuro Yamada wrote:
Alright, I'll create new patches including these:

   - No completion after "ALTER TABLE/INDEX SET STATISTICS" instead of schema 
   using *column_numbers*

Thanks for considering it!

My pleasure, Neo. :)
Please wait for new WIP patches.

Attached file is a WIP patch.

*Example of after patching
create table hoge (a integer, b integer, c integer);
create index ind_hoge on hoge(a, b, c, (c*1), (c*2), (c*3), (c*4), (c*5), 
(c*6), (c*7), (c*8), (c*9));

# \d+ ind_hoge
                    Index "public.ind_hoge"
 Column |  Type   | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target
 a      | integer | yes  | a          | plain   |
 b      | integer | yes  | b          | plain   |
 c      | integer | yes  | c          | plain   |
 expr   | integer | yes  | (c * 1)    | plain   |
 expr1  | integer | yes  | (c * 2)    | plain   |
 expr2  | integer | yes  | (c * 3)    | plain   |
 expr3  | integer | yes  | (c * 4)    | plain   |
 expr4  | integer | yes  | (c * 5)    | plain   |
 expr5  | integer | yes  | (c * 6)    | plain   |
 expr6  | integer | yes  | (c * 7)    | plain   |
 expr7  | integer | yes  | (c * 8)    | plain   |
 expr8  | integer | yes  | (c * 9)    | plain   |
btree, for table "public.hoge"

# alter index ind_hoge alter column <tab!>
1   10  11  12  2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9

# alter index ind_hoge alter column 1 <tab!>
1   10  11  12

# alter index ind_hoge alter column 10 SET STATISTICS <tab!>
<no completion!>

# alter index ind_hoge alter column 10 SET STATISTICS 100;

# \d+ ind_hoge
                    Index "public.ind_hoge"
 Column |  Type   | Key? | Definition | Storage | Stats target
 a      | integer | yes  | a          | plain   |
 b      | integer | yes  | b          | plain   |
 c      | integer | yes  | c          | plain   |
 expr   | integer | yes  | (c * 1)    | plain   |
 expr1  | integer | yes  | (c * 2)    | plain   |
 expr2  | integer | yes  | (c * 3)    | plain   |
 expr3  | integer | yes  | (c * 4)    | plain   |
 expr4  | integer | yes  | (c * 5)    | plain   |
 expr5  | integer | yes  | (c * 6)    | plain   |
 expr6  | integer | yes  | (c * 7)    | plain   | 100
 expr7  | integer | yes  | (c * 8)    | plain   |
 expr8  | integer | yes  | (c * 9)    | plain   |
btree, for table "public.hoge"

As you know above completed 1, 2 and 3 are not expression columns,
so it might better to remove these from the completion.
However, I didn't do that because a query for getting more suitable
attnum of index are became complicated.

Then, the patch includes new query to get attribute_numbers like this:

+#define Query_for_list_of_attribute_numbers \
+"SELECT attnum "\
+"  FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a, "\
+"       pg_catalog.pg_class c "\
+" WHERE c.oid = a.attrelid "\
+"   AND a.attnum > 0 "\
+"   AND NOT a.attisdropped "\
+"   /* %d %s */" \
+"   AND a.attrelid = (select oid from pg_catalog.pg_class where relname = '%s') 
+"   AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid) "\
+"order by a.attnum asc "

I have a question.
I read following comment of _complete_from_query(), however I'm not sure whether 
"%d" is
needed or not in above query. Any advices welcome!

 * 1. A simple query which must contain a %d and a %s, which will be replaced
 * by the string length of the text and the text itself. The query may also
 * have up to four more %s in it; the first two such will be replaced by the
 * value of completion_info_charp, the next two by the value of
 * completion_info_charp2.

Tatsuro Yamada

diff --git a/src/bin/psql/tab-complete.c b/src/bin/psql/tab-complete.c
index 5ba6ffba8c..28f2e9a0f9 100644
--- a/src/bin/psql/tab-complete.c
+++ b/src/bin/psql/tab-complete.c
@@ -583,6 +583,18 @@ static const SchemaQuery Query_for_list_of_statistics = {
 "        OR '\"' || relname || '\"'='%s') "\
 "   AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)"
+#define Query_for_list_of_attribute_numbers \
+"SELECT attnum "\
+"  FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a, "\
+"       pg_catalog.pg_class c "\
+" WHERE c.oid = a.attrelid "\
+"   AND a.attnum > 0 "\
+"   AND NOT a.attisdropped "\
+"   /* %d %s */" \
+"   AND a.attrelid = (select oid from pg_catalog.pg_class where relname = '%s') "\
+"   AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid) "\
+"order by a.attnum asc "
 #define Query_for_list_of_attributes_with_schema \
 "SELECT pg_catalog.quote_ident(attname) "\
 "  FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a, pg_catalog.pg_class c, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n "\
@@ -1566,9 +1578,22 @@ psql_completion(const char *text, int start, int end)
 	else if (Matches("ALTER", "INDEX", MatchAny, "ATTACH", "PARTITION"))
 		COMPLETE_WITH_SCHEMA_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_indexes, NULL);
-	/* ALTER INDEX <name> ALTER COLUMN <colnum> */
-	else if (Matches("ALTER", "INDEX", MatchAny, "ALTER", "COLUMN", MatchAny))
+	else if (Matches("ALTER", "INDEX", MatchAny, "ALTER", "COLUMN") ||
+			 Matches("ALTER", "INDEX", MatchAny, "ALTER"))
+	{
+		completion_info_charp = prev3_wd;
+		COMPLETE_WITH_QUERY(Query_for_list_of_attribute_numbers);
+	}
+	/* ALTER INDEX <name> ALTER COLUMN <col number> */
+	else if (Matches("ALTER", "INDEX", MatchAny, "ALTER", "COLUMN", MatchAny) ||
+			 Matches("ALTER", "INDEX", MatchAny, "ALTER", MatchAny))
+	else if (HeadMatches("ALTER", "INDEX") && TailMatches("SET", "STATISTICS"))
+	{
+		/* We don't complete after "SET STATISTICS" */
+	}
 	/* ALTER INDEX <name> SET */
 	else if (Matches("ALTER", "INDEX", MatchAny, "SET"))

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