> I've been trying to use vim for postgres development some yeas ago, but I did
> not manage to do it for log time, as I quit the job etc.
> Now I am trying again, but I've lost my .vimrc and notes and had to start from
> the very beginning. I vaguely remember what tools I've been using, but I have
> to google for them as they are not listed anywhere, and I have to meet all the
> problems I've met before, again.
> So I decided to write it down to a wiki article, while I am restoring the
> configuration so I do not have to remember them for the third time, if I loose
> .vimrc again. :-)

I like expanding the small section in the Developer FAQ into a more
detailed article.

But the new article is missing several things relative to the old
instructions, and I don't think the changes should have been made to
that page until this was more fully baked.

A few specific thoughts:

1. The new article makes it more difficult to get started since every
setting would need to be copied separately. I think there should be a
cohesive block of options that we recommend for copy/paste along with
inline comments explaining what each one does.

2. There's a bit of conflation between general Vim setup and Postgres
specific development. The old section I think was mostly geared toward
someone who uses Vim but wants the Postgres-specific parts, and that's
a valuable use case. Perhaps we could split the article into a section
on general Vim setup (for example, turning on syntax) and a section on
"if you also already use Vim, there's a way to do project-specific
settings and the ones you should use".

3. Several of the old specified options didn't make it into the new
article's details and are a loss. I noticed this particularly since
since just 2 or 3 days ago I myself had edited this section to add the
softtabstop=0 option (the Vim default) so that if soft tabs are
enabled in someone's general Vim config then hitting the tab key won't
result in inserting 2 spaces while working in the Postgres source.

James Coleman

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