The following review has been posted through the commitfest application:
make installcheck-world:  tested, failed
Implements feature:       tested, failed
Spec compliant:           tested, failed
Documentation:            tested, failed


Increasing the number of clients, I benchmarked with a table partitioned into 
1k partition.
I confirmed that this patch improve performance by 10 times or more.

master (commit: 90525d7b4e Date:   Tue Jan 15 12:19:21 2019 -0800)

Xeon(R) CPU E5-2667 v3 * 2

create table history(aid int, delta int, mtime timestamp without time zone) 
partition by range(aid);
\o /dev/null
select 'create table history_' || x || ' partition of history for values from(' 
|| x ||') to(' || x+1 || ')' from generate_series(1, 1000) x;

\set aid random(1, 1000)
\set delta random(-5000, 5000)

command line:
pgbench -d testdb -f benchmark.sql -c number_of_clients -T 60 -r -n


 clients | tps_patched | tps_unpatched | tps_unpatched / tps_patched 
       1 |        8890 |           841 |                          11
       2 |       17484 |          1470 |                          12
       4 |       29218 |          2474 |                          12
       8 |       48789 |          3876 |                          13
      16 |       68794 |          4030 |                          17
      32 |       69550 |          2888 |                          24
      64 |       71196 |          2555 |                          28
     128 |       71739 |          2295 |                          31
     256 |       66548 |          2105 |                          32

I wonder why performance does not increase much when the number of clients 
exceeds 16.
Even though it is caused by competition of lightweight locks I thought 16 
clients are small.

Also, I did make installcheck world, but test partition_prune failed.
However, this test case failed even before applying a patch, so this patch is 
not a problem.
One of the results is as follows.

 explain (analyze, costs off, summary off, timing off) execute ab_q1 (2, 2, 3);
-                       QUERY PLAN                        
+                      QUERY PLAN                      
  Append (actual rows=0 loops=1)
-   Subplans Removed: 6
    ->  Seq Scan on ab_a2_b1 (actual rows=0 loops=1)
-         Filter: ((a >= $1) AND (a <= $2) AND (b <= $3))
+         Filter: ((a >= 2) AND (a <= 2) AND (b <= 3))
    ->  Seq Scan on ab_a2_b2 (actual rows=0 loops=1)
-         Filter: ((a >= $1) AND (a <= $2) AND (b <= $3))
+         Filter: ((a >= 2) AND (a <= 2) AND (b <= 3))
    ->  Seq Scan on ab_a2_b3 (actual rows=0 loops=1)
-         Filter: ((a >= $1) AND (a <= $2) AND (b <= $3))
-(8 rows)
+         Filter: ((a >= 2) AND (a <= 2) AND (b <= 3))
+(7 rows)

sho kato

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