On Tue, Feb 12, 2019 at 07:13:45PM -0300, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> It was reasonable to close this patch as returned-with-feedback in
> January commitfest, but what you did here was first move it to the March
> commitfest and then close it as returned-with-feedback in the March
> commitfest, which has not even started.  That makes no sense.

Except if the CF app does not leave any place for error, particularly
as it is not possible to move back a patch to a previous commit fest
once it has been moved to the next one.  In this case, it looks that I
did a mistake in moving the patch first, my apologies for that.  There
were many patches to classify last week, so it may be possible that I
did similar mistakes for some other patches.

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