(2019/02/12 20:43), Antonin Houska wrote:
Etsuro Fujita<fujita.ets...@lab.ntt.co.jp>  wrote:
Here are my review comments:

                root->upper_targets[UPPERREL_FINAL] = final_target;
+               root->upper_targets[UPPERREL_ORDERED] = final_target;
                root->upper_targets[UPPERREL_WINDOW] = sort_input_target;
                root->upper_targets[UPPERREL_GROUP_AGG] = grouping_target;

I think that's a good idea.  I think we'll soon need the PathTarget for
UPPERREL_DISTINCT, so how about saving that as well like this?

                 root->upper_targets[UPPERREL_FINAL] = final_target;
+               root->upper_targets[UPPERREL_ORDERED] = final_target;
+               root->upper_targets[UPPERREL_DISTINCT] = sort_input_target;
                 root->upper_targets[UPPERREL_WINDOW] = sort_input_target;
                 root->upper_targets[UPPERREL_GROUP_AGG] = grouping_target;

I see nothing wrong about this.


Another is about this:

+        * Set reltarget so that it's consistent with the paths. Also it's more
+        * convenient for FDW to find the target here.
+        */
+       ordered_rel->reltarget = target;

I think this is correct if there are no SRFs in the targetlist, but otherwise
I'm not sure this is really correct because the relation's reltarget would not
match the target of paths added to the relation after adjust_paths_for_srfs().

I wouldn't expect problem here. create_grouping_paths() also sets the
reltarget although adjust_paths_for_srfs() can be alled on grouped_rel

Yeah, but as I said in a previous email, I think the root->upper_targets change would be enough at least currently for FDWs to consider performing post-UPPERREL_GROUP_AGG steps remotely, as shown in my patches, so I'm inclined to leave the retarget change for future work.

Best regards,
Etsuro Fujita

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