Paul Ramsey wrote:

> > text_starts_with(arg1,arg2) in varlena.c does a full decompression
> > of  arg1 when it could limit itself to the length of the smaller arg2:
> Nice catch, I didn't find that one as it's not user visible, seems to
> be only called in spgist (!!)

It's also exposed in SQL since v11, as 
  starts_with(string,prefix) returns bool
and as an operator:
  text ^@ text
I guess it's meant to be more efficient than (string LIKE prefix||'%')
or strpos(string,prefix)=1, and it will be even more so if we can
avoid some amount of decompression :)

Best regards,
Daniel Vérité
PostgreSQL-powered mailer:
Twitter: @DanielVerite

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