On Mon, Feb 25, 2019 at 09:46:35PM +0100, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
> The virtual generated column part is still a bit iffy.  I'm still
> finding places here and there where virtual columns are not being
> expanded correctly.  Maybe it needs more refactoring.  One big unsolved
> issue is how the storage of such columns should work.  Right now, they
> are stored as nulls.  That works fine, but what I suppose we'd really
> want is to not store them at all.  That, however, creates all kinds of
> complications in the planner if target lists have non-matching lengths
> or the resnos don't match up.  I haven't figured out how to do this
> cleanly.

Hmm.  Not storing virtual columns looks like the correct concept to
me instead of storing them as NULL.

> So I'm thinking if we can get agreement on the stored columns, I can cut
> out the virtual column stuff for PG12.  That should be fairly easy.

The shape of what is used for stored columns looks fine to me.

+   if (attgenerated)
+   {
+       /*
+        * Generated column: Dropping anything that the generation expression
+        * refers to automatically drops the generated column.
+        */
+       recordDependencyOnSingleRelExpr(&colobject, expr, RelationGetRelid(rel),
+                                       DEPENDENCY_AUTO,
+                                       DEPENDENCY_AUTO, false);
+   }
A CCI is not necessary I think here, still the recent thread about
automatic dependencies with identity columns had a much similar

+           else if (generated[0] == ATTRIBUTE_GENERATED_VIRTUAL)
+               default_str = psprintf("generated always as (%s)", 
PQgetvalue(res, i, attrdef_col));
Nit: I would add VIRTUAL instead of relying on the default option.

Another thing I was thinking about: could it be possible to add a
sanity check in sanity_check.sql so as a column more that one
field in attidentity, attgenerated and atthasdef set at the same time?

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