On Thu, Mar 7, 2019 at 12:37 AM Peter Geoghegan <p...@bowt.ie> wrote:
> When I drew you that picture while we were in Lisbon, I mentioned to
> you that the patch sometimes used a sentinel scantid value that was
> greater than minus infinity, but less than any real scantid. This
> could be used to force an otherwise-equal-to-pivot search to go left
> rather than uselessly going right. I explained this about 30 minutes
> in, when I was drawing you a picture.

I meant the opposite: it could be used to go right, instead of going
left when descending the tree and unnecessarily moving right on the
leaf level.

As I said, moving right on the leaf level (rather than during the
descent) should only happen when it's necessary, such as when there is
a concurrent page split. It shouldn't happen reliably when searching
for the same value, unless there really are matches across multiple
leaf pages, and that's just what we have to do.

Peter Geoghegan

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