(moving this over from pgsql-performance)

A client had an issue with a where that had a where clause something like

WHERE 123456 = ANY(integer_array_column)

I was surprised that this didn't use the pre-existing GIN index on
integer_array_column, whereas recoding as

WHERE ARRAY[123456] <@ integer_array_column

did cause the GIN index to be used. Is this a known/expected behavior? If
so, is there any logical reason why we couldn't have the planner pick up on

Flo Rance (toura...@gmail.com) was nice enough to show that yes, this is
expected behavior.

Which leaves the questions:
- is the transformation I made is algebraically correct in a general case?
- if so, could we have the planner do that automatically when in the
presence of a matching GIN index?

This seems like it might tie in with the enforcement of foreign keys within
an array thread (which I can't presently find...).

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