On 03/18/19 22:38, Eric Hanson wrote:
> rows are really second class citizens:  They aren't tracked with
> pg_catalog.pg_depend, they aren't deleted when the extension is dropped,
> etc.

This. You have other interests as well, but this is the one I was thinking
about a few years ago in [1] (starting at "Ok, how numerous would be the
problems with this:").

Nobody ever chimed in to say how numerous they did or didn't think the
problems would be. I was actually thinking recently about sitting down
and trying to write that patch, as no one had exactly stood up to say
"oh heavens no, don't write that." But my round tuits are all deployed
elsewhere at the moment.

I'd still like to discuss the ideas.


[1] https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/5685A2E7.6080209%40anastigmatix.net

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