Hello hackers, 
This email is regarding the Postgres pg_stat_statements extension. 
I noticed that enabling pg_stat_statements can effect performance. I thought 
that changing the pg_stat_statements.track parameter to 'none' could reduce 
this overhead without requiring a restart to remove it from 
shared_preload_libraries. Changing this config did not improve performance as I 
expected. Looking over the code, I noticed that pg_stat_statements is not 
checking if it is enabled before executing the post_parse_analyze_hook 
function. Other hooks that require access to the pg_stat_statements query hash 
table (through the pgss_store function) check for pgss_enabled. 
Would it make sense to check for pgss_enabled in the post_parse_analyze_hook 
Making this change drastically improved performance while 
pg_stat_statement.track was set to NONE. This change allows me to more 
effectively enable/disable pg_stat_statements without requiring a restart. 
Example patch:
@@ -783,8 +783,8 @@ pgss_post_parse_analyze(ParseState *pstate, Query *query)
        /* Assert we didn't do this already */
        Assert(query->queryId == 0);
-       /* Safety check... */
-       if (!pgss || !pgss_hash)
+       /* Safety check...and ensure that pgss is enabled before we do any work 
+       if (!pgss || !pgss_hash || !pgss_enabled())

**Simple Mini Benchmark**
I ran a simple test on my local machine with this spec: 16 core/32 GB 
memory/Windows Server 2016.
The simple query I used was 'select 1'. I called pg_stat_statements_reset() 
before each simple query to clear the pg_stat_statements query hash. The 
majority of the latency happens the first time a query is run. 
Median runtime of 100 simple queries in milliseconds: 
                PGSS loaded (ms)        PGSS loaded + this patch (ms)
track = top          0.53                       0.55
track = none       0.41                 0.20

PGSS not loaded: 0.18ms

Raymond Martin
Azure Database for PostgreSQL

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