Re: Joe Conway 2019-03-29 <>
> echo "\password :\"role\"" | psql -v role='my role'
> Enter new password:
> Enter it again:
> That said, this is kind of off the topic of this thread.

It is on-topic because the reason we can't just tell people to replace
  createuser $foo
  psql -c "create user $foo"
is because $foo might need escaping.

IMHO if we find an way to do that which is acceptable for sh scripts,
the createuser/... commands could go.

> I like Tom's last suggestion of:
>   pg_util <command> <options>
> Of course that does not lend itself to symlinking for backward
> compatibility, does it? If there is a way I am not familiar with it.

We could symlink createuser -> pg_util. It is pretty common for
commands to act differently based on the name the were invoked as.

> I guess the alternative would be an alias, but can packages install an
> alias? Or something else I am not thinking about?

Aliases won't work for non-interactive shell scripts.


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