On Friday, April 12, 2019 3:20 PM, Alvaro Herrera <alvhe...@2ndquadrant.com> 

> On 2019-Apr-12, Daniel Gustafsson wrote:
> > There are many good reasons for the changes proposed in this thread, but I'm
> > not sure if discoverability is one. Relying on autocompleting a filename to
> > figure out existing tooling for database maintenance and DBA type operations
> > seems like a fragile usecase.
> > If commandline discoverability is of importance, providing a summary of the
> > tools in "man postgresql" seems like a better option.
> The first comment in the LWN article:
> "It's broken and obviously a bad idea but we've been doing it for so long we
> shouldn't attempt to fix it"
> IMO the future is longer than the past, and has more users, so let's do
> it right instead of perpetuating the mistakes.
> ... unless you think PostgreSQL is going to become irrelevant before
> 2050.

Not at all, and as I said there are many good reasons for doing this.  I just
don't think "discoverability" is the driver, since I consider that a different
thing from ease of use and avoid confusion with system tools etc (my reading of
that word is "finding something new", not "how did I spell that tool again").

cheers ./daniel

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