Peter Eisentraut <> writes:
> I'm not trying to dismiss the importance of managing the Python
> transition.  But this issue has been known for many years, and the
> current setup is more or less in line with the wider world.  For
> example, the Debian release that came out over the weekend still ships
> with /usr/bin/python being Python 2.  So it is neither timely nor urgent
> to try to make some significant change about this in PostgreSQL 12 right
> now.  I would welcome patches for this for PostgreSQL 13.

I don't think it's been mentioned in this thread yet, but we *did*
recently install a configure-time preference for python3 over python2:

Author: Peter Eisentraut <>
Branch: master Release: REL_12_BR [7291733ac] 2019-01-13 10:23:48 +0100
Branch: REL_11_STABLE Release: REL_11_2 [3d498c65a] 2019-01-13 10:24:21 +0100
Branch: REL_10_STABLE Release: REL_10_7 [cd1873160] 2019-01-13 10:25:23 +0100

    configure: Update python search order
    Some systems don't ship with "python" by default anymore, only
    "python3" or "python2" or some combination, so include those in the
    configure search.

configure's search order is now $PYTHON, python, python3, python2.
I think it will be a very long time, if ever, before there would be
a reason to consider changing that.  Both of the first two options
represent following a clear user preference.

So the only thing that's really at stake is when/whether we can make
"plpythonu" a synonym for "plpython3u" rather than "plpython2u".
As I said already, I think that's got to be a long way off, since the
whole problem here is that python3 isn't a drop-in replacement for
python2.  We're much more likely to break existing functions than do
anything useful by forcibly switching the synonym.

But I could support having a way for individual installations to change
what the synonym means locally.  Perhaps we could think about how to do
that in conjunction with the project of getting rid of pg_pltemplate
that's been kicked around before [1][2][3].

                        regards, tom lane




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