On 7/4/19 1:39 PM, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
> On 2019-03-25 12:04, Panagiotis Mavrogiorgos wrote:
>> Last November snowball added support for Greek language [1]. Following
>> the instructions [2], I wrote a patch that adds fulltext search for
>> Greek in Postgres. The patch is attached. 
> I have committed a full sync from the upstream snowball repository,
> which pulled in the new greek stemmer.
> Could you please clarify where you got the stopword list from?  The
> README says those need to be downloaded separately, but I wasn't able to
> find the download location.  It would be good to document this, for
> example in the commit message.  I haven't committed the stopword list yet.

Thanks, I noted snowball pushed a new commit related to greek stemmer few days
after your sync:

As it seems there is no policy for stable release on Snowball, I don't know what
is the best way to keep in sync :(

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