On Thu, Jul 18, 2019 at 11:24 AM Jeff Davis <pg...@j-davis.com> wrote:

> Previous discussion:
> https://postgr.es/m/1407012053.15301.53.camel%40jeff-desktop
> This patch introduces a way to ask a memory context how much memory it
> currently has allocated. Each time a new block (not an individual
> chunk, but a new malloc'd block) is allocated, it increments a struct
> member; and each time a block is free'd, it decrements the struct
> member. So it tracks blocks allocated by malloc, not what is actually
> used for chunks allocated by palloc.
Cool! I like how straight-forward this approach is. It seems easy to
build on, as well.

Are there cases where we are likely to palloc a lot without needing to
malloc in a certain memory context? For example, do we have a pattern
where, for some kind of memory intensive operator, we might palloc in
a per tuple context and consistently get chunks without having to
malloc and then later, where we to try and check the bytes allocated
for one of these per tuple contexts to decide on some behavior, the
number would not be representative?

I think that is basically what Heikki is asking about with HashAgg,
but I wondered if there were other cases that you had already thought
through where this might happen.

> The purpose is for Memory Bounded Hash Aggregation, but it may be
> useful in more cases as we try to better adapt to and control memory
> usage at execution time.
This approach seems like it would be good for memory intensive
operators which use a large, representative context. I think the
HashTableContext for HashJoin might be one?

Melanie Plageman

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