John Naylor <> 于2019年8月19日周一 下午12:55写道:

> init_toast_buffer():
> + * Note the constrain buf->position <= buf->limit may be broken
> + * at initialization. Make sure that the constrain is satisfied
> + * when consume chars.
> s/constrain/constraint/ (2 times)
> s/consume/consuming/
> Also, this comment might be better at the top the whole function?

The constraint is broken in the if branch, so I think put this comment in
the branch
is more precise.

The check
> if (iter->buf != iter->fetch_datum_iterator->buf)
> is what we need to do for the compressed case. Could we use this
> directly instead of having a separate state variable iter->compressed,
> with a macro like this?
> #define TOAST_ITER_COMPRESSED(iter) \
>     (iter->buf != iter->fetch_datum_iterator->buf)

 The logic of the macro may be hard to understand, so I think it's ok to
just check the compressed state variable.

+ * If "ctrlc" field in iterator is equal to INVALID_CTRLC, it means that
> + * the field is invalid and need to read the control byte from the
> + * source buffer in the next iteration, see pglz_decompress_iterate().
> + */
> +#define INVALID_CTRLC 8
> I think the macro might be better placed in pg_lzcompress.h, and for
> consistency used in pglz_decompress(). Then the comment can be shorter
> and more general. With my additional comment in
> init_detoast_iterator(), hopefully it will be clear to readers.

The main role of this macro is to explain the iterator's "ctrlc" state, IMO
it's reasonable to put
the macro and definition of de-TOAST iterator together.

Thanks for your suggestion, I have updated the patch.
Best regards,
Binguo Bao
From d8d14600e2be0c11f233bf3302a823a8c4f19c2a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: BBG <>
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2019 22:56:42 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] de-TOASTing using a iterator

 src/backend/access/heap/tuptoaster.c | 472 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/backend/utils/adt/varlena.c      |  42 +++-
 src/include/access/tuptoaster.h      |  97 +++++++
 src/include/fmgr.h                   |   7 +
 4 files changed, 612 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/backend/access/heap/tuptoaster.c b/src/backend/access/heap/tuptoaster.c
index 74233bb..ba05fd1 100644
--- a/src/backend/access/heap/tuptoaster.c
+++ b/src/backend/access/heap/tuptoaster.c
@@ -83,6 +83,13 @@ static int	toast_open_indexes(Relation toastrel,
 static void toast_close_indexes(Relation *toastidxs, int num_indexes,
 								LOCKMODE lock);
 static void init_toast_snapshot(Snapshot toast_snapshot);
+static FetchDatumIterator create_fetch_datum_iterator(struct varlena *attr);
+static void free_fetch_datum_iterator(FetchDatumIterator iter);
+static void fetch_datum_iterate(FetchDatumIterator iter);
+static void init_toast_buffer(ToastBuffer *buf, int size, bool compressed);
+static void free_toast_buffer(ToastBuffer *buf);
+static void pglz_decompress_iterate(ToastBuffer *source, ToastBuffer *dest,
+									DetoastIterator iter);
 /* ----------
@@ -347,6 +354,119 @@ heap_tuple_untoast_attr_slice(struct varlena *attr,
 /* ----------
+ * init_detoast_iterator -
+ *
+ * It only makes sense to initialize a de-TOAST iterator for external on-disk values.
+ *
+ * ----------
+ */
+bool init_detoast_iterator(struct varlena *attr, DetoastIterator iter)
+	struct varatt_external toast_pointer;
+	{
+		iter->done = false;
+		/*
+		 * This is an externally stored datum --- initialize fetch datum iterator
+		 */
+		iter->fetch_datum_iterator = create_fetch_datum_iterator(attr);
+		VARATT_EXTERNAL_GET_POINTER(toast_pointer, attr);
+		if (VARATT_EXTERNAL_IS_COMPRESSED(toast_pointer))
+		{
+			iter->compressed = true;
+			/* prepare buffer to received decompressed data */
+			iter->buf = (ToastBuffer *) palloc0(sizeof(ToastBuffer));
+			init_toast_buffer(iter->buf, toast_pointer.va_rawsize, false);
+			/* initialize state for pglz_decompress_iterate() */
+			iter->ctrl = 0;
+			iter->ctrlc = INVALID_CTRLC;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			iter->compressed = false;
+			/* point the buffer directly at the raw data */
+			iter->buf = iter->fetch_datum_iterator->buf;
+		}
+		return true;
+	}
+	{
+		 /* indirect pointer --- dereference it */
+		struct varatt_indirect redirect;
+		attr = (struct varlena *) redirect.pointer;
+		/* nested indirect Datums aren't allowed */
+		/* recurse in case value is still extended in some other way */
+		return init_detoast_iterator(attr, iter);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		/* in-line value -- no iteration used, even if it's compressed */
+		return false;
+	}
+/* ----------
+ * free_detoast_iterator -
+ *
+ * Free memory used by the de-TOAST iterator, including buffers and
+ * fetch datum iterator.
+ *
+ * Note: "iter" variable is normally just a local variable in the caller, so
+ * shouldn't free de-TOAST iterator itself.
+ * ----------
+ */
+void free_detoast_iterator(DetoastIterator iter)
+	if (iter == NULL)
+	{
+		return;
+	}
+	if (iter->compressed)
+	{
+		free_toast_buffer(iter->buf);
+	}
+	free_fetch_datum_iterator(iter->fetch_datum_iterator);
+/* ----------
+ * detoast_iterate -
+ *
+ * Iterate through the toasted value referenced by iterator.
+ *
+ * As long as there is another data chunk in external storage,
+ * de-TOAST it into iterator's toast buffer.
+ * ----------
+ */
+extern void detoast_iterate(DetoastIterator detoast_iter)
+	FetchDatumIterator fetch_iter = detoast_iter->fetch_datum_iterator;
+	Assert(detoast_iter != NULL && !detoast_iter->done);
+	fetch_datum_iterate(fetch_iter);
+	if (detoast_iter->compressed)
+		pglz_decompress_iterate(fetch_iter->buf, detoast_iter->buf, detoast_iter);
+	if (detoast_iter->buf->limit == detoast_iter->buf->capacity) {
+		detoast_iter->done = true;
+	}
+/* ----------
  * toast_raw_datum_size -
  *	Return the raw (detoasted) size of a varlena datum
@@ -2419,3 +2539,355 @@ init_toast_snapshot(Snapshot toast_snapshot)
 	InitToastSnapshot(*toast_snapshot, snapshot->lsn, snapshot->whenTaken);
+/* ----------
+ * create_fetch_datum_iterator -
+ *
+ * Initialize fetch datum iterator.
+ * ----------
+ */
+static FetchDatumIterator
+create_fetch_datum_iterator(struct varlena *attr)
+	int			validIndex;
+	FetchDatumIterator iter;
+		elog(ERROR, "create_fetch_datum_itearator shouldn't be called for non-ondisk datums");
+	iter = (FetchDatumIterator) palloc0(sizeof(FetchDatumIteratorData));
+	/* Must copy to access aligned fields */
+	VARATT_EXTERNAL_GET_POINTER(iter->toast_pointer, attr);
+	iter->ressize = iter->toast_pointer.va_extsize;
+	iter->numchunks = ((iter->ressize - 1) / TOAST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE) + 1;
+	/*
+	 * Open the toast relation and its indexes
+	 */
+	iter->toastrel = table_open(iter->toast_pointer.va_toastrelid, AccessShareLock);
+	/* Look for the valid index of the toast relation */
+	validIndex = toast_open_indexes(iter->toastrel,
+									AccessShareLock,
+									&iter->toastidxs,
+									&iter->num_indexes);
+	/*
+	 * Setup a scan key to fetch from the index by va_valueid
+	 */
+	ScanKeyInit(&iter->toastkey,
+				(AttrNumber) 1,
+				BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ,
+				ObjectIdGetDatum(iter->toast_pointer.va_valueid));
+	/*
+	 * Read the chunks by index
+	 *
+	 * Note that because the index is actually on (valueid, chunkidx) we will
+	 * see the chunks in chunkidx order, even though we didn't explicitly ask
+	 * for it.
+	 */
+	init_toast_snapshot(&iter->SnapshotToast);
+	iter->toastscan = systable_beginscan_ordered(iter->toastrel, iter->toastidxs[validIndex],
+										   &iter->SnapshotToast, 1, &iter->toastkey);
+	iter->buf = (ToastBuffer *) palloc0(sizeof(ToastBuffer));
+	init_toast_buffer(iter->buf, iter->ressize + VARHDRSZ, VARATT_EXTERNAL_IS_COMPRESSED(iter->toast_pointer));
+	iter->nextidx = 0;
+	iter->done = false;
+	return iter;
+static void
+free_fetch_datum_iterator(FetchDatumIterator iter)
+	if (iter == NULL)
+	{
+		return;
+	}
+	if (!iter->done)
+	{
+		systable_endscan_ordered(iter->toastscan);
+		toast_close_indexes(iter->toastidxs, iter->num_indexes, AccessShareLock);
+		table_close(iter->toastrel, AccessShareLock);
+	}
+	free_toast_buffer(iter->buf);
+	pfree(iter);
+/* ----------
+ * fetch_datum_iterate -
+ *
+ * Iterate through the toasted value referenced by iterator.
+ *
+ * As long as there is another chunk data in external storage,
+ * fetch it into iterator's toast buffer.
+ * ----------
+ */
+static void
+fetch_datum_iterate(FetchDatumIterator iter)
+	HeapTuple	ttup;
+	TupleDesc	toasttupDesc;
+	int32		residx;
+	Pointer		chunk;
+	bool		isnull;
+	char		*chunkdata;
+	int32		chunksize;
+	Assert(iter != NULL && !iter->done);
+	ttup = systable_getnext_ordered(iter->toastscan, ForwardScanDirection);
+	if (ttup == NULL)
+	{
+		/*
+		 * Final checks that we successfully fetched the datum
+		 */
+		if (iter->nextidx != iter->numchunks)
+			elog(ERROR, "missing chunk number %d for toast value %u in %s",
+				 iter->nextidx,
+				 iter->toast_pointer.va_valueid,
+				 RelationGetRelationName(iter->toastrel));
+		/*
+		 * End scan and close relations
+		 */
+		systable_endscan_ordered(iter->toastscan);
+		toast_close_indexes(iter->toastidxs, iter->num_indexes, AccessShareLock);
+		table_close(iter->toastrel, AccessShareLock);
+		iter->done = true;
+		return;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Have a chunk, extract the sequence number and the data
+	 */
+	toasttupDesc = iter->toastrel->rd_att;
+	residx = DatumGetInt32(fastgetattr(ttup, 2, toasttupDesc, &isnull));
+	Assert(!isnull);
+	chunk = DatumGetPointer(fastgetattr(ttup, 3, toasttupDesc, &isnull));
+	Assert(!isnull);
+	if (!VARATT_IS_EXTENDED(chunk))
+	{
+		chunksize = VARSIZE(chunk) - VARHDRSZ;
+		chunkdata = VARDATA(chunk);
+	}
+	else if (VARATT_IS_SHORT(chunk))
+	{
+		/* could happen due to heap_form_tuple doing its thing */
+		chunksize = VARSIZE_SHORT(chunk) - VARHDRSZ_SHORT;
+		chunkdata = VARDATA_SHORT(chunk);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		/* should never happen */
+		elog(ERROR, "found toasted toast chunk for toast value %u in %s",
+			 iter->toast_pointer.va_valueid,
+			 RelationGetRelationName(iter->toastrel));
+		chunksize = 0;		/* keep compiler quiet */
+		chunkdata = NULL;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Some checks on the data we've found
+	 */
+	if (residx != iter->nextidx)
+		elog(ERROR, "unexpected chunk number %d (expected %d) for toast value %u in %s",
+			 residx, iter->nextidx,
+			 iter->toast_pointer.va_valueid,
+			 RelationGetRelationName(iter->toastrel));
+	if (residx < iter->numchunks - 1)
+	{
+		if (chunksize != TOAST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE)
+			elog(ERROR, "unexpected chunk size %d (expected %d) in chunk %d of %d for toast value %u in %s",
+				 chunksize, (int) TOAST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE,
+				 residx, iter->numchunks,
+				 iter->toast_pointer.va_valueid,
+				 RelationGetRelationName(iter->toastrel));
+	}
+	else if (residx == iter->numchunks - 1)
+	{
+		if ((residx * TOAST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE + chunksize) != iter->ressize)
+			elog(ERROR, "unexpected chunk size %d (expected %d) in final chunk %d for toast value %u in %s",
+				 chunksize,
+				 (int) (iter->ressize - residx * TOAST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE),
+				 residx,
+				 iter->toast_pointer.va_valueid,
+				 RelationGetRelationName(iter->toastrel));
+	}
+	else
+		elog(ERROR, "unexpected chunk number %d (out of range %d..%d) for toast value %u in %s",
+			 residx,
+			 0, iter->numchunks - 1,
+			 iter->toast_pointer.va_valueid,
+			 RelationGetRelationName(iter->toastrel));
+	/*
+	 * Copy the data into proper place in our iterator buffer
+	 */
+	memcpy(iter->buf->limit, chunkdata, chunksize);
+	iter->buf->limit += chunksize;
+	iter->nextidx++;
+static void
+init_toast_buffer(ToastBuffer *buf, int32 size, bool compressed)
+	buf->buf = (const char *) palloc0(size);
+	if (compressed) {
+		SET_VARSIZE_COMPRESSED(buf->buf, size);
+		/*
+		 * Note the constraint buf->position <= buf->limit may be broken
+		 * at initialization. Make sure that the constraint is satisfied
+		 * when consuming chars.
+		 */
+		buf->position = VARDATA_4B_C(buf->buf);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		SET_VARSIZE(buf->buf, size);
+		buf->position = VARDATA_4B(buf->buf);
+	}
+	buf->limit = VARDATA(buf->buf);
+	buf->capacity = buf->buf + size;
+	buf->buf_size = size;
+static void
+free_toast_buffer(ToastBuffer *buf)
+	if (buf == NULL)
+	{
+		return;
+	}
+	pfree((void *)buf->buf);
+	pfree(buf);
+/* ----------
+ * pglz_decompress_iterate -
+ *
+ * This function is based on pglz_decompress(), with these additional
+ * requirements:
+ *
+ * 1. We need to save the current control byte and byte position for the
+ * caller's next iteration.
+ *
+ * 2. In pglz_decompress(), we can assume we have all the source bytes
+ * available. This is not the case when we decompress one chunk at a
+ * time, so we have to make sure that we only read bytes available in the
+ * current chunk.
+ * ----------
+ */
+static void
+pglz_decompress_iterate(ToastBuffer *source, ToastBuffer *dest, DetoastIterator iter)
+	const unsigned char *sp;
+	const unsigned char *srcend;
+	unsigned char *dp;
+	unsigned char *destend;
+	/*
+	 * In the while loop, sp may be incremented such that it points beyond
+	 * srcend. To guard against reading beyond the end of the current chunk,
+	 * we set srcend such that we exit the loop when we are within four bytes
+	 * of the end of the current chunk. When source->limit reaches
+	 * source->capacity, we are decompressing the last chunk, so we can (and
+	 * need to) read every byte.
+	 */
+	srcend = (const unsigned char *)
+		(source->limit == source->capacity ? source->limit : (source->limit - 4));
+	sp = (const unsigned char *) source->position;
+	dp = (unsigned char *) dest->limit;
+	destend = (unsigned char *) dest->capacity;
+	while (sp < srcend && dp < destend)
+	{
+		/*
+		 * Read one control byte and process the next 8 items (or as many as
+		 * remain in the compressed input).
+		 */
+		unsigned char ctrl;
+		int			ctrlc;
+		if (iter->ctrlc != INVALID_CTRLC)
+		{
+			ctrl = iter->ctrl;
+			ctrlc = iter->ctrlc;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			ctrl = *sp++;
+			ctrlc = 0;
+		}
+		for (; ctrlc < INVALID_CTRLC && sp < srcend && dp < destend; ctrlc++)
+		{
+			if (ctrl & 1)
+			{
+				/*
+				 * Otherwise it contains the match length minus 3 and the
+				 * upper 4 bits of the offset. The next following byte
+				 * contains the lower 8 bits of the offset. If the length is
+				 * coded as 18, another extension tag byte tells how much
+				 * longer the match really was (0-255).
+				 */
+				int32		len;
+				int32		off;
+				len = (sp[0] & 0x0f) + 3;
+				off = ((sp[0] & 0xf0) << 4) | sp[1];
+				sp += 2;
+				if (len == 18)
+					len += *sp++;
+				/*
+				 * Now we copy the bytes specified by the tag from OUTPUT to
+				 * OUTPUT. It is dangerous and platform dependent to use
+				 * memcpy() here, because the copied areas could overlap
+				 * extremely!
+				 */
+				len = Min(len, destend - dp);
+				while (len--)
+				{
+					*dp = dp[-off];
+					dp++;
+				}
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				/*
+				 * An unset control bit means LITERAL BYTE. So we just copy
+				 * one from INPUT to OUTPUT.
+				 */
+				*dp++ = *sp++;
+			}
+			/*
+			 * Advance the control bit
+			 */
+			ctrl >>= 1;
+		}
+		iter->ctrlc = ctrlc;
+		iter->ctrl = ctrl;
+	}
+	source->position = (char *) sp;
+	dest->limit = (char *) dp;
diff --git a/src/backend/utils/adt/varlena.c b/src/backend/utils/adt/varlena.c
index fa08b55..73e5805 100644
--- a/src/backend/utils/adt/varlena.c
+++ b/src/backend/utils/adt/varlena.c
@@ -56,6 +56,8 @@ typedef struct
 	int			len1;			/* string lengths in bytes */
 	int			len2;
+	DetoastIterator iter;
 	/* Skip table for Boyer-Moore-Horspool search algorithm: */
 	int			skiptablemask;	/* mask for ANDing with skiptable subscripts */
 	int			skiptable[256]; /* skip distance for given mismatched char */
@@ -122,7 +124,7 @@ static text *text_substring(Datum str,
 							int32 length,
 							bool length_not_specified);
 static text *text_overlay(text *t1, text *t2, int sp, int sl);
-static int	text_position(text *t1, text *t2, Oid collid);
+static int	text_position(text *t1, text *t2, Oid collid, DetoastIterator iter);
 static void text_position_setup(text *t1, text *t2, Oid collid, TextPositionState *state);
 static bool text_position_next(TextPositionState *state);
 static char *text_position_next_internal(char *start_ptr, TextPositionState *state);
@@ -1092,10 +1094,24 @@ text_overlay(text *t1, text *t2, int sp, int sl)
-	text	   *str = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(0);
+	text		*str;
+	DetoastIteratorData iteratorData;
+	DetoastIterator iter = &iteratorData;
+	struct varlena *attr = (struct varlena *)
+								DatumGetPointer(PG_GETARG_DATUM(0));
 	text	   *search_str = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(1);
-	PG_RETURN_INT32((int32) text_position(str, search_str, PG_GET_COLLATION()));
+	if (init_detoast_iterator(attr, iter))
+	{
+		str = (text *) iter->buf->buf;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		str = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(0);
+		iter = NULL;
+	}
+	PG_RETURN_INT32((int32) text_position(str, search_str, PG_GET_COLLATION(), iter));
@@ -1113,7 +1129,7 @@ textpos(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
  *	functions.
 static int
-text_position(text *t1, text *t2, Oid collid)
+text_position(text *t1, text *t2, Oid collid, DetoastIterator iter)
 	TextPositionState state;
 	int			result;
@@ -1122,6 +1138,7 @@ text_position(text *t1, text *t2, Oid collid)
 		return 0;
 	text_position_setup(t1, t2, collid, &state);
+	state.iter = iter;
 	if (!text_position_next(&state))
 		result = 0;
@@ -1130,7 +1147,6 @@ text_position(text *t1, text *t2, Oid collid)
 	return result;
  * text_position_setup, text_position_next, text_position_cleanup -
  *	Component steps of text_position()
@@ -1196,6 +1212,7 @@ text_position_setup(text *t1, text *t2, Oid collid, TextPositionState *state)
 	state->str2 = VARDATA_ANY(t2);
 	state->len1 = len1;
 	state->len2 = len2;
+	state->iter = NULL;
 	state->last_match = NULL;
 	state->refpoint = state->str1;
 	state->refpos = 0;
@@ -1358,6 +1375,11 @@ text_position_next_internal(char *start_ptr, TextPositionState *state)
 		hptr = start_ptr;
 		while (hptr < haystack_end)
+			if (state->iter != NULL)
+			{
+				PG_DETOAST_ITERATE(state->iter, hptr);
+			}
 			if (*hptr == nchar)
 				return (char *) hptr;
@@ -1375,6 +1397,11 @@ text_position_next_internal(char *start_ptr, TextPositionState *state)
 			const char *nptr;
 			const char *p;
+			if (state->iter != NULL)
+			{
+				PG_DETOAST_ITERATE(state->iter, hptr);
+			}
 			nptr = needle_last;
 			p = hptr;
 			while (*nptr == *p)
@@ -1438,7 +1465,10 @@ text_position_get_match_pos(TextPositionState *state)
 static void
 text_position_cleanup(TextPositionState *state)
-	/* no cleanup needed */
+	if (state->iter != NULL)
+	{
+		free_detoast_iterator(state->iter);
+	}
 static void
diff --git a/src/include/access/tuptoaster.h b/src/include/access/tuptoaster.h
index f0aea24..505ac81 100644
--- a/src/include/access/tuptoaster.h
+++ b/src/include/access/tuptoaster.h
@@ -17,6 +17,103 @@
 #include "storage/lockdefs.h"
 #include "utils/relcache.h"
+#ifndef FRONTEND
+#include "access/genam.h"
+ * TOAST buffer is a producer consumer buffer.
+ *
+ *    +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ *    |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
+ *    +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ *    ^           ^           ^              ^
+ *   buf      position      limit         capacity
+ *
+ * buf: point to the start of buffer.
+ * position: point to the next char to be consumed.
+ * limit: point to the next char to be produced.
+ * capacity: point to the end of buffer.
+ *
+ * Constraints that need to be satisfied:
+ * buf <= position <= limit <= capacity
+ */
+typedef struct ToastBuffer
+	const char	*buf;
+	const char	*position;
+	char		*limit;
+	const char	*capacity;
+	int32		buf_size;
+} ToastBuffer;
+typedef struct FetchDatumIteratorData
+	ToastBuffer	*buf;
+	Relation	toastrel;
+	Relation	*toastidxs;
+	SysScanDesc	toastscan;
+	ScanKeyData	toastkey;
+	SnapshotData			SnapshotToast;
+	struct varatt_external	toast_pointer;
+	int32		ressize;
+	int32		nextidx;
+	int32		numchunks;
+	int			num_indexes;
+	bool		done;
+}				FetchDatumIteratorData;
+typedef struct FetchDatumIteratorData *FetchDatumIterator;
+ * If "ctrlc" field in iterator is equal to INVALID_CTRLC, it means that
+ * the field is invalid and need to read the control byte from the
+ * source buffer in the next iteration, see pglz_decompress_iterate().
+ */
+#define INVALID_CTRLC 8
+typedef struct DetoastIteratorData
+	ToastBuffer 		*buf;
+	FetchDatumIterator	fetch_datum_iterator;
+	unsigned char		ctrl;
+	int					ctrlc;
+	bool				compressed;		/* toast value is compressed? */
+	bool				done;
+}			DetoastIteratorData;
+typedef struct DetoastIteratorData *DetoastIterator;
+/* ----------
+ * init_detoast_iterator -
+ *
+ * Initialize de-TOAST iterator.
+ * ----------
+ */
+extern bool init_detoast_iterator(struct varlena *attr, DetoastIterator iter);
+/* ----------
+ * free_detoast_iterator -
+ *
+ * Free the memory space occupied by the de-TOAST iterator.
+ * ----------
+ */
+extern void free_detoast_iterator(DetoastIterator iter);
+/* ----------
+ * detoast_iterate -
+ *
+ * Iterate through the toasted value referenced by iterator.
+ *
+ * As long as there is another slice in compression or external storage,
+ * de-TOAST it into buffer in iterator.
+ * ----------
+ */
+extern void detoast_iterate(DetoastIterator detoast_iter);
  * This enables de-toasting of index entries.  Needed until VACUUM is
  * smart enough to rebuild indexes from scratch.
diff --git a/src/include/fmgr.h b/src/include/fmgr.h
index 3ff0999..446c880 100644
--- a/src/include/fmgr.h
+++ b/src/include/fmgr.h
@@ -239,6 +239,13 @@ extern struct varlena *pg_detoast_datum_packed(struct varlena *datum);
 #define PG_DETOAST_DATUM_SLICE(datum,f,c) \
 		pg_detoast_datum_slice((struct varlena *) DatumGetPointer(datum), \
 		(int32) (f), (int32) (c))
+#define PG_DETOAST_ITERATE(iter, need)									\
+	do {																\
+		Assert(need >= iter->buf->buf && need <= iter->buf->capacity);	\
+		while (!iter->done && need >= iter->buf->limit) { 				\
+			detoast_iterate(iter);										\
+		}																\
+	} while (0)
 /* WARNING -- unaligned pointer */
 #define PG_DETOAST_DATUM_PACKED(datum) \
 	pg_detoast_datum_packed((struct varlena *) DatumGetPointer(datum))

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