On Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 10:22:07AM +0200, Julien Rouhaud wrote:
>>> The filtering is done at table level (with and without the
>>> concurrently option), so SCHEMA, DATABASE and SYSTEM automatically
>>> benefit from it.  If this clause is used with a REINDEX INDEX, the
>>> statement errors out, as I don't see a valid use case for providing a
>>> single index name and asking to possibly filter it at the same time.
>> Supporting that case would not be that much amount of work, no?
> Probably not, but I'm dubious about the use case.  Adding the lib
> version in the catalog would be more useful for people who want to
> write their own rules to reindex specific set of indexes.

Hearing from others here would be helpful.  My take is that having a
simple option doing the filtering, without the need to store anything
in the catalogs, would be helpful enough for users mixing both index
types on a single table.  Others may not agree.

>>  I think that it would be nice to be
>> able to do both, generating an error for REINDEX INDEX if the index
>> specified is not compatible, and a LOG if the index is not filtered
>> out when a list is processed.
> Do you mean having an error if the index does not contain any
> collation based type?  Also, REINDEX only accept a single name, so
> there shouldn't be any list processing for REINDEX INDEX?  I'm not
> really in favour of adding extra code the filtering when user asks for
> a specific index name to be reindexed.

I was referring to adding an error if trying to reindex an index with
the filtering enabled.  That's useful to inform the user that what he
intends to do is not compatible with the options provided.

> That's what I did when I first submitted the feature in reindexdb.  I
> didn't use them because it means switching to TAP tests.  I can drop
> the simple regression test (especially since I now realize than one is
> quite broken) and use the TAP one if, or should I keep both?

There is no need for TAP I think.  You could for example store the
relid and its relfilenode in a temporary table before running the
reindex, run the REINDEX and then compare with what pg_class stores.
And that's much cheaper than setting a new instance for a TAP test.

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