On 04.09.2019 1:22, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
On 2019-Aug-02, Michael Paquier wrote:

On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 04:43:26PM -0400, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
As for the test module, the one I submitted takes a lot of time to run
(well, 60s) and I don't think it's a good idea to include it as
something to be run all the time by every buildfarm member.  I'm not
sure that there's a leaner way to test for this bug, though, but
certainly it'd be a good idea to ensure that this continues to work.
Hmmm.  Instead of that, wouldn't it be cleaner to maintain in the
context of the startup process a marker similar to receivedUpto for
the last LSN?  The issue with this one is that it gets reset easily so
we would lose track of it easily, and we need also to count with the
case where a WAL receiver is not started.  So I think that we should
do that as a last replayed or received LSN if a WAL receiver is up and
running, whichever is newer.  Splitting the WAL receiver restart logic
into a separate routine is a good idea in itself, the patch attempting
to switch primary_conninfo to be reloadable could make use of that.
Konstantin, any interest in trying this?

Sorry, I do not understand this proposal.

> and we need also to count with the case where a WAL receiver is not started.

May be i missed something, but what this patch is trying to achieve is to launch WAL receiver before already received transactions are applied.
So definitely WAL receiver is not started at this moment.

receivedUpto is just static variable in xlog.c, maintained by WAL receiver.
But as I mentioned above, WAL receiver is not started at the moment when we need to know LSN of last record.

Certainly it should be possible to somehow persist receveidUpto, so we do not need to scan WAL to determine the last LSN at next start.
By persisting last LSN introduce a lot of questions and problems.
For example when it needs to be flushed for the disk. If it is done after each received transaction, then it can significantly suffer performance. If it is done more or less asynchronously, then there us a risk that we requested streaming with wrong position. In any case it will significantly complicate the patch and make it more sensible for various errors.

I wonder what is wrong with determining LSN of last record by just scanning WAL? Certainly it is not the most efficient way. But I do not expect that somebody will have hundreds or thousands megabytes of WAL. Michael, do you see some other problems with GetLastLSN() functions except time of its execution?

IMHO one of the ,ani advantages of this patch is that it is very simple.
We need to scan WAL to locate last LSN only if recovery_min_apply_delay is set.
So this patch should not affect performance of all other cases.

Konstantin Knizhnik
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
The Russian Postgres Company

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