On Thu, Sep 12, 2019 at 11:56 AM Fabien COELHO <coe...@cri.ensmp.fr> wrote:
> > On Wed, Sep 11, 2019 at 10:52:01PM +0200, Fabien COELHO wrote:
> >> AFAICR this is because the coverage was not the same:-) Some backslash
> >> commands just skip silently to the end of the line, so that intermediate
> >> \commands on the same line are not recognized/processed the same, so I 
> >> moved
> >> everything on one line to avoid this.
> >
> > I see.  So basically this tests for more code paths to ignore
> > backslash commands and it improves the coverage of \elif.  Applied
> > after fixing two nits:
> > - Indentation was incorrect.
> > - Moved the \elif test closer to the existing one for the false
> > branch (you can grep #2 to find it).
> Ok. Rebased version added, with some minor changes to improve readability
> (comments, variables).
Few comments:
+sub create_test_file
+ my ($fname, $contents) = @_;
+ my $fn = $node->basedir . '/' . $fname;
+ #ok(not -e $fn, "$fn must not already exists");
+ append_to_file($fn, $contents);
+ return $fn;

Commented line can be removed

+# nope, interacts on tty
+#psql('-W', 0, "foo\n", [ qr{^$} ], [ qr{^$} ], 'psql -W');
+psql('-x', 0, "SELECT 1 AS one, 2 AS two;\n", [ qr{one \| 1.*two \|
2}s ], $EMPTY, 'psql -x');
+# some issue, \0 is not welcome somewhere
+#psql('-A -z', "SELECT 1 AS one, 2 AS two;\n", [ qr{one.two}s,
qr{1.2}s ], $EMPTY, 'psql -z');
+#psql('-A -0', "SELECT 1 AS one, 2 AS two;\n", [ qr{two.1}s ],
$EMPTY, 'psql -0');
+psql('-1', 0, "SELECT 54;\nSELECT 32;\n", [ qr{54}, qr{32} ], $EMPTY,
'psql -1');

Commented lines can be removed

+ [ "\\lo_list\n", [ qr{Large objects} ] ],
+ [ "\\if true\\q\\endif\n", $EMPTY ],
+ # ???
+ #[ "SELECT md5('hello world');\n\\s\n", [ qr{5eb63bbbe0}, qr{SELECT md5} ] ],
+ [ "\\set\n", [ qr{ENCODING = }, qr{VERSION_NUM = } ] ],
+ [ "\\set COMP_KEYWORD_CASE preserve-lower\n\\set COMP_KEYWORD_CASE lower\n" .

#[ "Select"] commented line can be removed
??? can be changed to some suitable heading

+psql('', 0, "\\s /dev/null\n", $EMPTY, $EMPTY, 'psql \s null');
+# tab-complation
+ipsql('-P pager', 0, 5,
+  [ # commands

tab-complation to be changed to tab-completion

+ # but the coverage works as expected.
+ #[ "CREATE \t", qr/i(MATERIALIZED VIEW.*postgres=\# )?/s ],
+ #[ "\\r\n", qr/Query buffer reset.*postgres=\# /s ],
+ [ "CREATE \t\\r\n", qr/Query buffer reset.*postgres=\# /s ],
+ #[ "DROP \t", qr/(UNLOGGED.*postgres=\# )?/s ],
+ #[ "\\r\n", qr/Query buffer reset.*postgres=\# /s ],
+ [ "DROP \t\\r\n", qr/Query buffer reset.*postgres=\# /s ],
+ #[ "ALTER \t", qr/(TABLESPACE.*postgres=\# )/s ],
+ #[ "\\r\n", qr/Query buffer reset.*postgres=\# /s ],

Commented lines can be removed, some more are present below these lines also.

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