On Fri, Sep 20, 2019 at 5:48 AM Taylor Vesely <tves...@pivotal.io> wrote:
> > When doing update operation, for each tuple being modified,
> > *tuplebuffers_insert()* says that there is no entry for the relation
> > being modified in the hash table although it was already added when
> > the first tuple in the table was updated. Why is it so?
> Currently, when doing an update, it will actually flush the tuple
> buffers every time we update a tuple. As a result, we only ever spool
> up one tuple at a time. This is a good place to put in an optimization
> like was implemented for insert, but I haven't gotten around to
> looking into that yet.

Okay. So, that's the root cause. Spooling just one tuple where at
least 60 tuples can be spooled and then not freeing it at all is
altogether the reason for this extensive memory leak.

> The memory leak is actually happening because it isn't freeing the
> attbuffers after flushing. Alexandra Wang and I have a working
> branch[1] where we tried to plug the leak by freeing the attbuffers,
> but it has exposed an issue with triggers that I need to understand
> before I push the fix into the main zedstore branch.
> I don't like our solution of freeing the buffers either, because they
> could easily be reused. I'm going to take a stab at making that better
> before merging in the fix.

That's right, why do we need to free the memory after flushing data in
attbuffers. We can simply reuse it for next set of data to be updated.

> [1] https://github.com/l-wang/postgres-1/tree/zedstore-fix-memory-issues

With Regards,
Ashutosh Sharma

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