On Saturday, September 28, 2019, Tomas Vondra <tomas.von...@2ndquadrant.com>

> On Sat, Sep 28, 2019 at 12:16:05AM -0400, Robert Haas wrote:
>> On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 2:24 PM James Coleman <jtc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Over in the incremental sort patch discussion we found [1] a case
>>> where a higher cost plan ends up being chosen because a low startup
>>> cost partial path is ignored in favor of a lower total cost partial
>>> path and a limit is a applied on top of that which would normal favor
>>> the lower startup cost plan.
>>> 45be99f8cd5d606086e0a458c9c72910ba8a613d originally added
>>> `add_partial_path` with the comment:
>>> > Neither do we need to consider startup costs:
>>> > parallelism is only used for plans that will be run to completion.
>>> > Therefore, this routine is much simpler than add_path: it needs to
>>> > consider only pathkeys and total cost.
>>> I'm not entirely sure if that is still true or not--I can't easily
>>> come up with a scenario in which it's not, but I also can't come up
>>> with an inherent reason why such a scenario cannot exist.
>> I think I just didn't think carefully about the Limit case.
> Thanks! In that case I suggest we treat it as a separate patch/fix,
> independent of the incremental sort patch. I don't want to bury it in
> that patch series, it's already pretty large.

Now the trick is to figure out a way to demonstrate it in test :)

Basically we need:
Path A: Can short circuit with LIMIT but has high total cost
Path B: Can’t short circuit with LIMIT but has lower total cost

(Both must be parallel aware of course.)

Maybe ordering in B can be a sort node and A can be an index scan (perhaps
with very high random page cost?) and force choosing a parallel plan?

I’m trying to describe this to jog my thoughts (not in front of my laptop
right now so can’t try it out).

Any other ideas?


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