On Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 3:16 PM vignesh C <vignes...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for fixing the comments. The changes looks fine to me. I have
> fixed the first comment, attached patch has the changes for the same.

Few comments:
1. There is a lot of duplicate code in this test.  Basically, almost
the same code is used once to test Drop Database command and dropdb.
I think we can create a few sub-functions to avoid duplicate code, but
do we really need to test the same thing once via command and then by
dropdb utility?   I don't think it is required, but even if we want to
do so, then I am not sure if this is the right test script.  I suggest
removing the command related test.

ok( TestLib::pump_until(
+ $killme,
+ $psql_timeout,
+ \$killme_stderr,
+ qr/FATAL:  terminating connection due to administrator command/m
+ ),
+ "psql query died successfully after SIGTERM");

Extra space before TestLib.

+=item pump_until(proc, psql_timeout, stream, untl)

I think moving pump_until to TestLib is okay, but if you are making it
a generic function to be used from multiple places, it is better to
name the variable as 'timeout' instead of 'psql_timeout'

4. Have you ran perltidy, if not, can you please run it?  See
src/test/perl/README for the recommendation.

With Regards,
Amit Kapila.
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com

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