Hello Karl,

Attached is doc_base64_v11.patch

Patch applies cleanly and compiles.

I'm in favor of moving and reorganizing these function descriptions, as they are somehow scattered with a unclear logic when you are looking for them.

 +       <entry><literal><parameter>bytea</parameter> <literal>||</literal>
 +        <parameter>bytea</parameter></literal></entry>
         <entry> <type>bytea</type> </entry>
          String concatenation

Bytea concatenation?

I'm not keen on calling the parameter the name of its type. I'd suggest to keep "string" as a name everywhere, which is not a type name in Pg.

The functions descriptions are not homogeneous. Some have parameter name & type "btrim(string bytea, bytes bytea)" and others only type or parameter with tagged as a parameter "get_bit(bytea, offset)" (first param), "sha224(bytea)".

I'd suggest to be consistent, eg use "string bytea" everywhere appropriate.


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