Alexander Kukushkin <> writes:
> I think I should add my two cents.
> We at Zalando are using JWT tokens as passwords. JWT tokens are
> self-contained and therefore quite huge (up to 700-800 bytes in our
> case). Tokens have a limited lifetime (1 hour) and we are using PAM to
> verify them.
> Altogether the whole thing works like a charm. The only problem that
> it is not possible to copy&paste the token into psql password prompt,
> but there is a workaround, export PGPASSWORD=verylongtokenstring &&
> psql

I remain unconvinced that this is a good design, as compared to the
alternative of hashing $large_secret_data down to a more typical
length for a password.

Quite aside from whether or not you run into any implementation
restrictions on password length, using externally-sourced secret
data directly as a password seems like a lousy idea from a pure
security standpoint.  What happens if somebody compromises your
database, or even just your connection to the database, and is
able to read out the raw password?  The damage is worse than the
ordinary case of just being able to get into your database account,
because now the attacker has info about a formerly-secure upstream
datum, which probably lets him into some other things.  It's not
unlike using the same password across multiple services.

In the case you describe, you're also exposing that data to wherever
the PAM mechanism is keeping its secrets, hence presenting an even
larger attack surface.  Hashing the data before it goes to any of
those places would go a long way towards mitigating the risk.

                        regards, tom lane

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