On Tue, Jan 21, 2020 at 03:27:50PM +0900, Fujii Masao wrote:
> Hi,
> When I was researching the maximum length of password in PostgreSQL
> to answer the question from my customer, I found that there are two
> minor issues in .pgpass file.
> (1) If the length of a line in .pgpass file is larger than 319B,
>        libpq silently treats each 319B in the line as a separate
>        setting line.

This seems like a potentially serious bug. For example, a truncated
password could get retried enough times to raise intruder alarms, and
it wouldn't be easy to track down.

> (2) The document explains that a line beginning with # is treated
>        as a comment in .pgpass. But as far as I read the code,
>        there is no code doing such special handling.

This is a flat-out bug, as it violates a promise the documentation has

>        Also if the length of that "comment" line is larger than 319B,
>        the latter part of the line can be treated as valid setting.

> You may think that these unexpected behaviors are not so harmful
> in practice because "usually" the length of password setting line is
> less than 319B and the hostname beginning with # is less likely to be
> used. But the problem exists. And there are people who want to use
> large password or to write a long comment (e.g., with multibyte
> characters like Japanese) in .pgass, so these may be more harmful
> in the near future.
> For (1), I think that we should make libpq warn if the length of a line
> is larger than 319B, and throw away the remaining part beginning from
> 320B position. Whether to enlarge the length of a line should be
> a separate discussion, I think.


> For (2), libpq should treat any lines beginning with # as comments.

Would it make sense for lines starting with whitespace and then # to
be treated as comments, too, e.g.:

 # Please don't treat this as a parameter


David Fetter <david(at)fetter(dot)org> http://fetter.org/
Phone: +1 415 235 3778

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