On 22/01/2020 17:06, Tom Lane wrote:
> Matteo Beccati <p...@beccati.com> writes:
>> On 21/01/2020 02:06, Thomas Munro wrote:
>>> [1] 
>>> https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/CA%2BhUKGJAC4Oqao%3DqforhNey20J8CiG2R%3DoBPqvfR0vOJrFysGw%40mail.gmail.com
>> I had a NetBSD 8.0 VM lying around and I gave the patch a spin on latest
>> master.
>> With the kqueue patch, a pgbench -c basically hangs the whole postgres
>> instance. Not sure if it's a kernel issue, HyperVM issue o what, but
>> when it hangs, I can't even kill -9 the postgres processes or get the VM
>> to properly shutdown. The same doesn't happen, of course, with vanilla
>> postgres.
> I'm a bit confused about what you are testing --- the kqueue patch
> as per this thread, or that plus the WaitLatch refactorizations in
> the other thread you point to above?

my bad, I tested the v14 patch attached to the email.

The quoted url was just above the patch name in the email client and
somehow my brain thought I was quoting the v14 patch name.

Matteo Beccati

Development & Consulting - http://www.beccati.com/

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