On 2020-02-04 01:48:49 +1300, Thomas Munro wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 12, 2019 at 4:23 PM Thomas Munro <thomas.mu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > ... if we also prefetch during
> > the build phase ...
> Here's an experimental patch to investigate just that part.  I tried
> initiating a prefetch of the bucket just before we copy the tuple and
> then finally insert it, but it doesn't seem to be far enough apart (at
> least for small tuples), which is a shame because that'd be a one line
> patch.  So I made a little insert queue that prefetches and defers the
> insertion until N tuples later, and then I managed to get between 10%
> and 20% speed-up for contrived tests like this:

How much of the benefit here comes from the prefetching, and how much
just from writing the code in a manner that allows for more out-of-order
execution? Because there's no dependencies preventing execution of the
next queued tuple anymore, I'd assume that this is a good part what

Code like this really should look something roughly like:

while (true)
    have_skew = False

    # get tuples
    for i in 0..batchsize:
        tuples[i] = ExecProcNode(outerNode);
        if tuples[i] == NULL:
           # have slowpath handle this

    # compute their hash values
    for i in 0..batchsize:
        hashvalues[i] = ExecHashGetHashValue(tuples[i])

    # check whether go into skew buckets
    if have_skew_table:
        for i in 0..batchsize:
            skewbuckets[i] = ExecHashGetSkewBucket(tuples[i], hashvalues[i])
            if (skewbuckets[i] != INVALID_SKEW_BUCKET_NO)
               have_skew = True
        if have_skew:
            # handle everything here

    # assume there's no skew tuples going forward, all handled above

    # compute bucket/batch for all tuples
    have_into_batch = False
    for i in 0..batchsize:
        hashbuckets[i] = ExecHashGetBucketAndBatch()
        if hashbuckets[i] != hashtable->curbatch:
           have_into_batchfile = True

    if have_into_batchfile:
        # slowpath

    # Allocate all tuples
    for i in 0..batchsize:
        hjtuples[i] = alloc_mintuple(hashtuples[i])

    # And finally isert them
    for i in 0..batchsize:
        hjtuple.next = buckets[hashbuckets[i]]
        buckets[hashbuckets[i]] = hjtuple

Obviously it's a bit more complicated in reality than this, but I do
think that's where we've to go to make crucial parts like this faster
(same with hashaggs, and a few other places).

I would bet this helps significantly even if there's no prefetch
instruction - but using explicit prefetching might help further. Also
allows us to increase branch costs, because we can amortize them over a
few tuples.

> create unlogged table t as select generate_series(1, 100000000)::int i;
> select pg_prewarm('t');
> set work_mem='8GB';
> select count(*) from t t1 join t t2 using (i);
>            master    patched/N=1      patched/N=4
> workers=0  89.808s   80.556s (+11%)   76.864 (+16%)
> workers=2  27.010s   22.679s (+19%)   23.503 (+15%)
> workers=4  16.728s   14.896s (+12%)   14.167 (+18%)
> Just an early experiment, but I though it looked promising enough to share.



Andres Freund

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