
We (David and I) recently observed that a Zedstore table can be considerably
bloated when we load data into it with concurrent copies. Also, we found
concurrent insert performance was less than desirable. This is a detailed
analysis of the extent of the problem, the cause of the problem and how we
fixed it. This has input from much of our team: Alex, Ashwin, David, Heikki,
Melanie, Taylor and myself.

An example of the bloat that we observed:
TPC-DS scale = 270:
Table             heap   zed(serial)  zed(16 parallel COPYs)
web_sales    39G    19G            39G

We found that it was caused due to inefficient page splits resultant from
out-of-tid-order-inserts into full/full-ish attribute tree leaf pages. The
degree of under-utilization was significant - attribute tree leaves with a
serial data load had 6-8x more datums than the attribute tree leaves
resultant with a parallel load of 16 sessions.

Consider the scenario below:

1. Let us consider two concurrent copy commands executing (sessions S1 and
2. The table has only one (fixed-length for sake of argument) attribute 'a'.
3. For attribute 'a', a full attribute tree leaf page can accommodate 1500

TID allocations:
S1: 1-1000
S2: 1001-2000, 2001-3000

Order of operations:

1. S2 writes datums for tids 1001-2000, 2001-3000.
The resulting leaves are:
lokey  = 1              hikey    = 2500
firsttid = 1001        lasttid   = 2500
lokey  = 2501        hikey    = MaxZSTid
firsttid = 2501        lasttid   = 3000

2. S1 now writes datums for tids 1-1000.
We have to split L1 into L1' and L1''.
lokey    = 1           hikey    = 1500
firsttid   = 1           lasttid  =  1500
L1'': [under-utilized page]
lokey    = 1501     hikey   = 2000
firsttid = 1501       lasttid  = 2000
lokey  = 2501        hikey   = MaxZSTid
firsttid = 2501        lasttid  = 3000

Note: The lokeys/hikeys reflect ranges of what CAN be inserted whereas
and lasttid reflect what actually have been inserted.

L1'' will be an under-utilized page that is not going to be filled again
it inherits the tight hikey from L1. In this example, space wastage in L1''
66% but it could very easily be close to 100%, especially under concurrent
workloads which mixes single and multi-inserts, or even unequally sized

Solution (kudos to Ashwin!):

For every multi-insert (and only multi-insert, not for singleton inserts),
allocate N times more tids. Each session will keep these extra tids in a
buffer. Subsequent calls to multi-insert would use these buffered tids. If
any time a tid allocation request cannot be met by the remaining buffered
a new batch of N times the number of tids requested will again be allocated.

If we take the same example above and say we allocated N=5 times the number
tids upon the first request for 1000 tids.:

TID allocations:
S1: 1-5000
S2: 5001-10000

Order of operations:

1. S2 writes datums for tids 5001-6000, 6001-7000.
The resulting leaves are:
lokey  = 1             hikey    = 6500
firsttid = 5001       lasttid  = 6500
lokey  = 6501        hikey   = MaxZSTid
firsttid = 6501       lasttid  = 7000

2. S1 writes datums for tids 1-1000.
L1 will be split into L1' and L1''.

lokey  = 1             hikey  = 5500
firsttid = 1             lasttid  = 1000
L1'' [under-utilized page]:
lokey  = 5501       hikey   = 6500
firsttid = 5501       lasttid  = 6500
lokey  = 6501        hikey   = MaxZSTid
firsttid = 6501        lasttid  = 7000

Subsequent inserts by S1 will land on L1' whose hikey isn't restrictive.

However, we do end up with the inefficient page L1''. With a high enough
of N, we reduce the frequency of such pages. We could further reduce this
wastage by incorporating a special left split (Since L1 was already full, we
don't change it at all -> we simply update it's lokey -> L1 becomes L1''
and we
fork of a new leaf to its left: L1'). This would look like:

lokey  = 1           hikey   = 5000
firsttid = 1           lasttid  = 1000

lokey  = 5001      hikey   = 6500
firsttid = 5001      lasttid  = 6500

We found that with a high enough value of N, we did not get significant
benefits from the left split. Thus, we decided to only incorporate N.

Results: [TPC-DS scale = 50, 16 conc copies]

Table                     zed     N=10     N=100     N=1000     heap
catalog_sales       15G    9.1G      7.7G      7.5G            15G
catalog_returns    1.5G    0.9G     0.7G      0.7G            1.2G
store_returns        2.1G   1.2G     1.1G      1.1G            1.9G
store_sales          17G    11G       10.1G     10.1G         21G        10G

Load time:
N=10                 30min
N=100               10min
N=1000             7min
zed                    100min
heap                  8min

'zed' refers to the zedstore branch without our fix. We see that with N =
10, we
get closer to what we get with serial inserts. For N = 100, we even beat
We can attribute the differences in runtime to the fact that by lowering the
number of tid range requests, we reduce the contention on the tid tree -
is a bottleneck for concurrent loads. A significant win!

How N relates to the other parameters in play:

Let S be the number of concurrent sessions
Let T be the average number of rows that a session wants to write in t sized
multi-insert batches
Let A be the number of attributes
Number of times a session multi-inserts into the tid tree without buffered
allocation = T/t
Number of times a session multi-inserts into the tid tree with buffered
allocation  = T/Nt
Total number of multi-inserts into the tid tree = Mt = ST/Nt
Also, total number of adverse insert cases where we could have bloat ∝ Mt
So, bloat ∝ Mt
Run-time of a parallel data load ∝ Mt * A
So the guidance would be to increase N with the increase in S or in T (t
be relatively constant for a certain table - it is constrained by the size
of a
row and the copy buffer) and also if the table is significantly wide.
We can see that it is difficult to provide a default to N, it really should
SINGLE_INSERT_TID_RESERVATION_SIZE should be turned into GUCs. In our
implementation, we treat MULTI_INSERT_TID_RESERVATION_FACTOR = N. We leave
GUC implementation for later.

Cost of killing the extra unused tids not consumed by multi-inserts:

The maximum number of tids that can be wasted (W) is capped at (tN - 1) *
S. This is
the worst case: where the last tid allocation request only used 1 tid out
of the
tN tids it received and buffered for every session.
So average case ~ (tN /2) * S.  Number of times the tid tree has to be
to delete these (tN/2) * S tids is S.  So taking tid wastage into account,
average, number of accesses to the tid tree = Mt + W = ST/Nt +
Thus this additional cost of S, and thus cost of tid killing is not really

Soumyadeep & David

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