On Wed, Mar 11, 2020 at 2:23 PM Amit Kapila <amit.kapil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 10, 2020 at 8:53 AM Dilip Kumar <dilipbal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Please find the updated patch (summary of the changes)
> > - Instead of searching the lock hash table for assert, it maintains a 
> > counter.
> > - Also, handled the case where we can acquire the relation extension
> > lock while holding the relation extension lock on the same relation.
> > - Handled the error case.
> >
> > In addition to that prepared a WIP patch for handling the PageLock.
> > First, I thought that we can use the same counter for the PageLock and
> > the RelationExtensionLock because in assert we just need to check
> > whether we are trying to acquire any other heavyweight lock while
> > holding any of these locks.  But, the exceptional case where we
> > allowed to acquire a relation extension lock while holding any of
> > these locks is a bit different.  Because, if we are holding a relation
> > extension lock then we allowed to acquire the relation extension lock
> > on the same relation but it can not be any other relation otherwise it
> > can create a cycle.  But, the same is not true with the PageLock,
> > i.e. while holding the PageLock you can acquire the relation extension
> > lock on any relation and that will be safe because the relation
> > extension lock guarantee that, it will never create the cycle.
> > However, I agree that we don't have any such cases where we want to
> > acquire a relation extension lock on the different relations while
> > holding the PageLock.
> >
> Right, today, we don't have such cases where after acquiring relation
> extension or page lock for a particular relation, we need to acquire
> any of those for other relation and I am not able to offhand think of
> many cases where we might have such a need in the future.  The one
> theoretical possibility is to include fork_num in the lock tag while
> acquiring extension lock for fsm/vm, but that will also have the same
> relation.  Similarly one might say it is valid to acquire extension
> lock in share mode after we have acquired it exclusive mode.  I am not
> sure how much futuristic we want to make these Asserts.
> I feel we should cover the current possible cases (which I think will
> make the asserts more strict then required) and if there is a need to
> relax them in the future for any particular use case, then we will
> consider those.  In general, if we consider the way Mahendra has
> written a patch which is to find the entry via the local hash table to
> check for an Assert condition, then it will be a bit easier to extend
> the checks if required in future as that way we have more information
> about the particular lock. However, it will make the check more
> expensive which might be okay considering that it is only for Assert
> enabled builds.
> One minor comment:
> /*
> + * We should not acquire any other lock if we are already holding the
> + * relation extension lock.  Only exception is that if we are trying to
> + * acquire the relation extension lock then we can hold the relation
> + * extension on the same relation.
> + */
> + Assert(!IsRelExtLockHeld() ||
> +    ((locktag->locktag_type == LOCKTAG_RELATION_EXTEND) && found));
> I think you don't need the second part of the check because if we have
> found the lock in the local lock table, we would return before this
> check.


  I think it will catch the case where if we have an extension
> lock on one relation, then it won't allow us to acquire it on another
> relation.

But, those will be caught even if we remove the second part right.
Basically, if we have Assert(!IsRelExtLockHeld(), that means by this
time you should not hold any relation extension lock.  The exceptional
case where we allow relation extension on the same relation will
anyway not reach here.  I think the second part of the Assert is just

Dilip Kumar
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com

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