> On Apr 4, 2020, at 7:11 AM, Thomas Munro <thomas.mu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 4, 2020 at 4:45 AM Mark Dilger <mark.dil...@enterprisedb.com> 
> wrote:
>> FYI, (not the responsibility of this patch), we never quite define what the 
>> abbreviation "xip" stands for.  If "Active xid8s at the time of the 
>> snapshot." were rewritten as "In progress xid8s at the time of the 
>> snapshot", it might be slightly easier for the reader to figure out that 
>> "xip" = "Xid8s In Progress".  As it stands, nothing in the docs seems to 
>> explain the abbrevation.  See doc/src/sgml/func.sgml
> You're right.  Done.


> However, I am getting cold feet about the new function names.  The
> existing naming structure made sense when all this stuff originated in
> a contrib module with "txid_" as a prefix all over the place, but now
> that 64 bit IDs are a core concept, I wonder if we shouldn't aim for
> something that looks a little more like core functionality and doesn't
> have those "xid8_" warts in the names.  

The "xid8_" warts are partly motivated by having a type named "xid8", which is 
a bit of a wart in itself.

> Here's what I now propose:
> Transaction ID functions, using names that fit with others (cf
> pg_xact_commit_timestamp()):
>  pg_current_xact_id()
>  pg_current_xact_id_if_assigned()
>  pg_xact_status(xid8)
> Snapshot functions (cf pg_export_snapshot()):
>  pg_current_snapshot()
>  pg_snapshot_xmin(pg_snapshot)
>  pg_snapshot_xmax(pg_snapshot)
>  pg_snapshot_xip(pg_snapshot)
>  pg_visible_in_snapshot(xid8, pg_snapshot)

I like some aspects of this, but not others.  Function pg_stat_get_activity(), 
which gets exposed through view pg_stat_activity exposes both "backend_xid" and 
"backend_xmin" as (32-bit) xid.  Your new function names are not sufficiently 
distinct from these older names for users to easily remember the difference:

select pg_snapshot_xmax(st.snap)
    from snapshot_test st, pg_stat_activity sa
    where pg_snapshot_xmin(st.snap) = sa.backend_xmin;
ERROR:  operator does not exist: xid8 = xid

SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity s WHERE backend_xid = pg_current_xact_id();
ERROR:  operator does not exist: xid = xid8

SELECT pg_xact_status(backend_xmin), * FROM pg_stat_activity;
ERROR:  function pg_xact_status(xid) does not exist

It's not the end of the world, and users can figure out to put a cast on those, 
but it's kind of ugly.

It was cleaner before v10, when "backend_xid = xid8_current()" clearly had a 
xid vs. xid8 mismatch. On the other hand, if the xid columns in 
pg_stat_activity and elsewhere eventually get upgraded to xid8 fields, then the 
new naming convention in v10 will be cleaner.

As such, I'm ±0 for the change. 

Mark Dilger
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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