On Thu, Apr 16, 2020 at 10:12 PM Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm starting a new thread for this, because the recent discussion of
> problems with old_snapshot_threshold[1] touched on a lot of separate
> issues, and I think it will be too confusing if we discuss all of them
> on one thread. Attached are three patches.
> 0001 makes oldSnapshotControl "extern" rather than "static" and
> exposes the struct definition via a header.
> 0002 adds a contrib module called old_snapshot which makes it possible
> to examine the time->XID mapping via SQL. As Andres said, the comments
> are not really adequate in the existing code, and the code itself is
> buggy, so it was a little hard to be sure that I was understanding the
> intended meaning of the different fields correctly. However, I gave it
> a shot.
> 0003 attempts to fix bugs in MaintainOldSnapshotTimeMapping() so that
> it produces a sensible mapping. I encountered and tried to fix two
> issues here:
> First, as previously discussed, the branch that advances the mapping
> should not categorically do "oldSnapshotControl->head_timestamp = ts;"
> assuming that the head_timestamp is supposed to be the timestamp for
> the oldest bucket rather than the newest one. Rather, there are three
> cases: (1) resetting the mapping resets head_timestamp, (2) extending
> the mapping by an entry without dropping an entry leaves
> head_timestamp alone, and (3) overwriting the previous head with a new
> entry advances head_timestamp by 1 minute.
> Second, the calculation of the number of entries by which the mapping
> should advance is incorrect. It thinks that it should advance by the
> number of minutes between the current head_timestamp and the incoming
> timestamp. That would be correct if head_timestamp were the most
> recent entry in the mapping, but it's actually the oldest. As a
> result, without this fix, every time we move into a new minute, we
> advance the mapping much further than we actually should. Instead of
> advancing by 1, we advance by the number of entries that already exist
> in the mapping - which means we now have entries that correspond to
> times which are in the future, and don't advance the mapping again
> until those future timestamps are in the past.
> With these fixes, I seem to get reasonably sensible mappings, at least
> in light testing.  I tried running this in one window with \watch 10:
> select *, age(newest_xmin), clock_timestamp()  from
> pg_old_snapshot_time_mapping();
> And in another window I ran:
> pgbench -T 300 -R 10
> And the age does in fact advance by ~600 transactions per minute.

I have started reviewing these patches.  I think, the fixes looks right to me.

+ LWLockAcquire(OldSnapshotTimeMapLock, LW_SHARED);
+ mapping->head_offset = oldSnapshotControl->head_offset;
+ mapping->head_timestamp = oldSnapshotControl->head_timestamp;
+ mapping->count_used = oldSnapshotControl->count_used;
+ for (int i = 0; i < OLD_SNAPSHOT_TIME_MAP_ENTRIES; ++i)
+ mapping->xid_by_minute[i] = oldSnapshotControl->xid_by_minute[i];
+ LWLockRelease(OldSnapshotTimeMapLock);

I think memcpy would be a better choice instead of looping it for all
the entries, since we are doing this under a lock?

Dilip Kumar
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com

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