On Fri, May 15, 2020 at 12:19 AM Amit Kapila <amit.kapil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > My sense is that it would be a lot more sensible to do it at the
> > *beginning* of the parallel operation. Once we do it once, we
> > shouldn't ever do it again; that's how it works now. Deferring it
> > until later seems much more likely to break things.
> AFAIU, we always increment the command counter after executing the
> command.  Why do we want to do it differently here?

Hmm, now I'm starting to think that I'm confused about what is under
discussion here. Which CommandCounterIncrement() are we talking about

> First, let me clarify the CTID I have used in my email are for the
> table in which insertion is happening which means FK table.  So, in
> such a case, we can't have the same CTIDs queued for different
> workers.  Basically, we use CTID to fetch the row from FK table later
> and form a query to lock (in KEY SHARE mode) the corresponding tuple
> in PK table.  Now, it is possible that two different workers try to
> lock the same row of PK table.  I am not clear what problem group
> locking can have in this case because these are non-conflicting locks.
> Can you please elaborate a bit more?

I'm concerned about two workers trying to take the same lock at the
same time. If that's prevented by the buffer locking then I think it's
OK, but if it's prevented by a heavyweight lock then it's not going to
work in this case.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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