
On 2020-06-04 16:44:53 -0400, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> A logical replication connection cannot run SQL anyway, can it?

You can:

andres@awork3:~/src/postgresql$ psql 'replication=database'

postgres[52656][1]=# IDENTIFY_SYSTEM;
│      systemid       │ timeline │  xlogpos   │  dbname  │
│ 6821634567571961151 │        1 │ 1/D256EC40 │ postgres │
(1 row)

postgres[52656][1]=# SELECT 1;
│ ?column? │
│        1 │
(1 row)

I am very much not in love with the way that was implemented, but it's
there, and it's used as far as I know (cf tablesync.c).


Andres Freund

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