Thank your for your help.

On 05.07.2020 07:17, Jaime Casanova wrote:
You should also allow cursors without the WITH HOLD option or there is something i'm missing?

Yes, good point.
a few questions about tainted backends:
- why the use of check_primary_key() and check_foreign_key() in
contrib/spi/refint.c make the backend tainted?

I think this is because without it contrib test is not passed with connection pooler. This extension uses static variables which are assumed to be session specific  but in case f connection pooler are shared by all backends.

- the comment in src/backend/commands/sequence.c needs some fixes, it
seems just quickly typed

Sorry, done.

some usability problem:
- i compiled this on a debian machine with "--enable-debug
--enable-cassert --with-pgport=54313", so nothing fancy
- then make, make install, and initdb: so far so good

listen_addresses = '*'
connection_proxies = 20

and i got this:

jcasanov@DangerBox:/opt/var/pgdg/14dev$ /opt/var/pgdg/14dev/bin/psql
-h -p 6543 postgres
psql: error: could not connect to server: no se pudo conectar con el
servidor: No existe el fichero o el directorio
¿Está el servidor en ejecución localmente y aceptando
conexiones en el socket de dominio Unix «/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.54313»?

but connect at the postgres port works well
jcasanov@DangerBox:/opt/var/pgdg/14dev$ /opt/var/pgdg/14dev/bin/psql
-h -p 54313 postgres
psql (14devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \q
jcasanov@DangerBox:/opt/var/pgdg/14dev$ /opt/var/pgdg/14dev/bin/psql
-p 54313 postgres
psql (14devel)
Type "help" for help.


PS: unix_socket_directories is setted at /tmp and because i'm not
doing this with postgres user i can use /var/run/postgresql

Looks like for some reasons your Postgres was not configured to accept TCP connection.
It accepts only local connections through Unix sockets.
But pooler is not listening unix sockets because there is absolutely no sense in pooling local connections.

I have done the same steps as you and have no problem to access pooler:

knizhnik@xps:~/postgresql.vanilla$ psql postgres -h -p 6543
psql (14devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \q

Please notice that if I specify some unexisted port, then I get error message which is different with yours:

knizhnik@xps:~/postgresql.vanilla$ psql postgres -h -p 65433
psql: error: could not connect to server: could not connect to server: Connection refused
    Is the server running on host "" and accepting
    TCP/IP connections on port 65433?

So Postgres is not mentioning unix socket path in this case. It makes me think that your server is not accepting TCP connections at all (despite to

listen_addresses = '*'


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