Peter Eisentraut <> writes:
> On 2020-07-04 16:16, Tom Lane wrote:
>> I'm for a typedef.  There is *nothing* readable about "(void (*) (void))",
>> and the fact that it's theoretically incorrect for the purpose doesn't
>> exactly aid intelligibility either.  With a typedef, not only are
>> the uses more readable but there's a place to put a comment explaining
>> that this is notionally wrong but it's what gcc specifies to use
>> to suppress thus-and-such warnings.

> Makes sense.  New patch here.

I don't have a compiler handy that emits these warnings, but this
passes an eyeball check.

>>> But if we prefer a typedef then I'd propose
>>> GenericFuncPtr like in the initial patch.

>> That name is OK by me.

> I changed that to pg_funcptr_t, to look a bit more like C and less like 
> Java. ;-)

I liked the first proposal better.  Not gonna fight about it though.

                        regards, tom lane

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