The following review has been posted through the commitfest application:
make installcheck-world:  tested, passed
Implements feature:       tested, passed
Spec compliant:           not tested
Documentation:            not tested

Hi, all!

It seems that as of now we have two sets of patches for this bug:
1. Tom Lane's: 0001-make-callbacks-ternary.patch and 
2. My: gin-gist-weight-patch-v4.diff

There was a quite long discussion above and I suppose that despite the 
difference both of them suit and will do the necessary fix. 
So I decided to make a review of both Tom Lane's patches.

Both of them apply clean. Checks are sucessful. There are regression tests 
included and they cover the bug. Also I made checks on my PgList database and I 
suppose the bug is indeed fixed.

For 0001-make-callbacks-ternary.patch
As it was mentioned in discussion, the issue was that in certain cases compare 
function of a single operand in a query should give undefined meaning "MAYBE" 
which should remain towards to the root of a tree. So the patch in my opinion 
adresses the problem in a right way.

Possible dangers of changed callback from binary to ternary is that any side 
modules which still use binary interface will get warnings on compile and will 
need minor modifications of code to comply with new interface. I checked it 
with RUM index and indeed get warnings on compile. In discussion above it was 
noted that anyway there is no way to get right results in tsearch with NOT 
without modification of this so I'd recommend committing patch 0001.

For 0002-remove-calc-not-flag.patch
The patch changes the behavior which is now considered default. This is true in 
RUM module and maybe in some other tsearch side modules. Applying the patch can 
make code more beautiful but possibly will not give some performance gain and 
bug is anyway fixed by patch 0001.

Overall I'd recommend patch 0001-make-callbacks-ternary.patch and close the 

Best regards,
Pavel Borisov

Postgres Professional:

The new status of this patch is: Ready for Committer

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