Anastasia Lubennikova <> writes:
> I was looking for this message, to find out who is the current CFM. 
> Apparently, the November commitfest is not in progress yet.

Nope, nor have we officially appointed a CFM for it yet.  We're seldom
organized enough to do that much in advance of the CF's start.

> Still, I have a question. Should we also maintain statuses of the 
> patches in the "Open" commitfest?

Yes, absolutely, if you notice something out-of-date there, go ahead
and fix it.  If nothing else, you'll save the eventual CFM some time.

> On the other hand, I noticed a lot of stall threads, that weren't 
> updated in months. Some of them seem to pass several CFs without any 
> activity at all. I believe that it is wrong for many reasons, the major 
> of which IMHO is a frustration of the authors. Can we come up with 
> something to impove this situation?

Yeah, that's a perennial problem.  Part of the issue is just a shortage
of people --- there are always more patches than we can review and
commit in one month.  IMO, another cause is that we have a hard time
saying "no".  If a particular patch isn't too well liked, we tend to
just let it slide to the next CF rather than making the uncomfortable
decision to reject it.  If you've got thoughts about that, or any other
ways to improve the process, for sure speak up.

> P.S. I have a few more ideas about the CF management. I suppose, that 
> they are usually being discussed at pgcon meetings, but those won't 
> happen anytime soon. Is there a special place for such discussions, or I 
> may continue this thread?

This thread seems like an OK place for the discussion.  As you say,
there are not likely to be any in-person meetings for awhile :-(

                        regards, tom lane

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