Greetings hackers,

I have I hope interesting observation (and nano patch proposal) on system where 
statistics freshness is a critical factor. Autovacuum/autogathering statistics 
was tuned to be pretty very aggressive:
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay=0 (makes autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit irrelevant)

Some critical table partitions are configured with:  
autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor=0.001, autovacuum_analyze_threshold=50000 to 
force auto-analyze jobs pretty often. The interesting logs are like this:
automatic analyze of table "t1" system usage: CPU: user: 37.52 s, system: 23.01 
s, elapsed: 252.14 s
automatic analyze of table "t2" system usage: CPU: user: 38.70 s, system: 22.63 
s, elapsed: 317.33 s
automatic analyze of table "t2" system usage: CPU: user: 39.38 s, system: 21.43 
s, elapsed: 213.58 s
automatic analyze of table "t1" system usage: CPU: user: 37.91 s, system: 24.49 
s, elapsed: 229.45 s

and this is root-cause of my question.  As you can see there is huge 3x-4x time 
discrepancy between "elapsed" and user+system which is strange at least for me 
as there should be no waiting (autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay=0). According to 
various tools it is true: Time was wasted somewhere else, but not in the 
PostgreSQL analyze. The ps(1) and pidstat(1) also report the same for the 

06:56:12 AM       PID    %usr %system  %guest    %CPU   CPU  Command
06:56:13 AM    114774    8.00   10.00    0.00   18.00    18  postgres
06:56:14 AM    114774    8.00   11.00    0.00   19.00    15  postgres
06:56:15 AM    114774    5.00   13.00    0.00   18.00    18  postgres

06:56:17 AM       PID   kB_rd/s   kB_wr/s kB_ccwr/s  Command
06:56:18 AM    114774  63746.53      0.00      0.00  postgres
06:56:19 AM    114774  62896.00      0.00      0.00  postgres
06:56:20 AM    114774  62920.00      0.00      0.00  postgres

One could argue that such autoanalyze worker could perform 5x more of work 
(%CPU -> 100%) here. The I/O system is not performing a lot (total = 242MB/s 
reads@22k IOPS, 7MB/s writes@7k IOPS, with service time 0.04ms), although 
reporting high utilization I'm pretty sure it could push much more. There can 
be up to 3x-4x of such 70-80MB/s analyzes in parallel (let's say 300MB/s for 
statistics collection alone).

According to various gdb backtraces, a lot of time is spent here:
#0  0x00007f98cdfc9f73 in __pread_nocancel () from /lib64/
#1  0x0000000000741a16 in pread (__offset=811253760, __nbytes=8192, 
__buf=0x7f9413ab7280, __fd=<optimized out>) at /usr/include/bits/unistd.h:84
#2  FileRead (file=<optimized out>, buffer=0x7f9413ab7280 "\037\005", 
amount=8192, offset=811253760, wait_event_info=167772173) at fd.c:1883
#3  0x0000000000764b8f in mdread (reln=<optimized out>, forknum=<optimized 
out>, blocknum=19890902, buffer=0x7f9413ab7280 "\037\005") at md.c:596
#4  0x000000000073d69b in ReadBuffer_common (smgr=<optimized out>, 
relpersistence=112 'p', forkNum=MAIN_FORKNUM, blockNum=19890902, 
mode=RBM_NORMAL, strategy=0x1102278, hit=0x7fffba7e2d4f)
    at bufmgr.c:897
#5  0x000000000073e27e in ReadBufferExtended (reln=0x7f98c0c9ded0, 
forkNum=MAIN_FORKNUM, blockNum=19890902, mode=<optimized out>, 
strategy=<optimized out>) at bufmgr.c:665
#6  0x00000000004c2e2f in heapam_scan_analyze_next_block (scan=<optimized out>, 
blockno=<optimized out>, bstrategy=<optimized out>) at heapam_handler.c:998
#7  0x0000000000597de1 in table_scan_analyze_next_block (bstrategy=<optimized 
out>, blockno=<optimized out>, scan=0x10c8098) at 
#8  acquire_sample_rows (onerel=0x7f98c0c9ded0, elevel=13, rows=0x1342e08, 
targrows=1500000, totalrows=0x7fffba7e3160, totaldeadrows=0x7fffba7e3158) at 
#9  0x0000000000596a50 in do_analyze_rel (onerel=0x7f98c0c9ded0, 
params=0x10744e4, va_cols=0x0, acquirefunc=0x597ca0 <acquire_sample_rows>, 
relpages=26763525, inh=false,
    in_outer_xact=false, elevel=13) at analyze.c:502
#12 0x00000000006e76b4 in autovacuum_do_vac_analyze (bstrategy=0x1102278, 
tab=<optimized out>) at autovacuum.c:3118

The interesting thing that targrows=1.5mlns and that blocks are accessed (as 
expected) in sorted order:

Breakpoint 1, heapam_scan_analyze_next_block (scan=0x10c8098, blockno=19890910, 
bstrategy=0x1102278) at heapam_handler.c:984
Breakpoint 1, heapam_scan_analyze_next_block (scan=0x10c8098, blockno=19890912, 
bstrategy=0x1102278) at heapam_handler.c:984
Breakpoint 1, heapam_scan_analyze_next_block (scan=0x10c8098, blockno=19890922, 
bstrategy=0x1102278) at heapam_handler.c:984
Breakpoint 1, heapam_scan_analyze_next_block (scan=0x10c8098, blockno=19890935, 
bstrategy=0x1102278) at heapam_handler.c:984
Breakpoint 1, heapam_scan_analyze_next_block (scan=0x10c8098, blockno=19890996, 
bstrategy=0x1102278) at heapam_handler.c:984

And probably this explains the discrepancy, perf with CPU usage reporting shows 
a lot of frames waiting on I/O on readaheads done by ext4, trimmed for clarity:

# Children      Self       sys       usr  Command   Shared Object       Symbol
    63.64%     0.00%     0.00%     0.00%  postgres  [kernel.kallsyms]   [k] 
               |          vfs_read
               |           --59.09%--__vfs_read
               |                      --58.24%--generic_file_read_iter
               |                                |--47.44%--ondemand_readahead
               |                                |           
               |                                |                     
               |                                |                     |         
               |                                |                     
    63.64%     1.99%     1.99%     0.00%  postgres  [kernel.kallsyms]   [k] 
            |          |--59.66%--sys_pread64
            |          |          vfs_read
            |          |           --59.09%--__vfs_read
            |          |                      --58.24%--generic_file_read_iter
            |          |                                
            |          |                                |           

    61.36%     0.00%     0.00%     0.00%  postgres  postgres            [.] 

    61.36%     0.85%     0.00%     0.85%  postgres  [.] 
            |          entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe
            |          do_syscall_64
            |           --59.66%--sys_pread64
            |                     vfs_read
            |                      --59.09%--__vfs_read
            |                                 --58.24%--generic_file_read_iter
            |                                           |           

    59.66%     0.00%     0.00%     0.00%  postgres  [kernel.kallsyms]   [k] 

Perf --no-children also triple confirms that there isn't any function that is 
burning a lot inside the worker:

# Overhead       sys       usr  Command   Shared Object       Symbol
     5.40%     0.00%     5.40%  postgres  [vdso]              [.] 
     5.11%     0.00%     5.11%  postgres  postgres            [.] 
     3.98%     0.00%     3.98%  postgres  postgres            [.] 
     3.69%     3.69%     0.00%  postgres  [kernel.kallsyms]   [k] 

My questions are:
a) does anybody know if it is expected that getrusage() doesn't include 
readahead times  as current thread system time ? (I don't know by may be 
performed by other kernel threads?) ru_stime is defined as "This is the total 
amount of time spent executing in kernel mode". Maybe the "executing" is the 
keyword here? (waiting != executing?)

b) initially I've wanted to add a new pg_rusage_show_verbose() that would also 
add ru_inblock, but that wouldn't add much value to the end user. Also adding 
another timing directly around table_scan_analyze_next_block() seems like the 
bad idea as it involves locking underneah. So I've tried the most easy approach 
to simply log $pgStatBlockReadTime as strictly I/O time spent in pread() 
(ReadBuffer_common() already measures time). The attached patch for 
PgSQL14-devel in heavy I/O conditions (with track_io_timings=on) logs the 
"LOG:  automatic analyze of table "test.public.t1_default" system usage: IO 
read time 0.69 s, CPU: user: 0.18 s, system: 0.13 s, elapsed: 0.92 s"
my interpretation would be that IO reading time was most limiting factor (69/92 
= 75%), but *CPU* on kernel side was just 13s. It could give the enduser/DBA 
the information needed, the information where's the bottleneck given the 
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay=0. In autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay>0 maybe it 
would make sense to include also time spent on sleeping?

c) I'm curious if anybody has any I/O related insights into analyze.c 
processing especially related to readaheads? E.g. maybe disabling readahead 
would help for PostgreSQL analyze.c usecase on NVMe? Is it worth given that 
only x% of blocks are needed? The only option I'm aware would be to e.g. 
hash-partition the table (to introduce parallelism by autovacuums and enable 
even workers). Any hints or comments?

All of the above observations from PostgreSQL 12.4 on Linux kernel 4.14 with 
ext4/striped dm with 3x-4x NVMEs.

-Jakub Wartak.
diff --git a/src/backend/commands/analyze.c b/src/backend/commands/analyze.c
index 8af12b5c6b..fea1bd6f44 100644
--- a/src/backend/commands/analyze.c
+++ b/src/backend/commands/analyze.c
@@ -312,6 +312,7 @@ do_analyze_rel(Relation onerel, VacuumParams *params,
        Oid                     save_userid;
        int                     save_sec_context;
        int                     save_nestlevel;
+       PgStat_Counter startblockreadtime = 0;
        if (inh)
@@ -347,6 +348,7 @@ do_analyze_rel(Relation onerel, VacuumParams *params,
        if (IsAutoVacuumWorkerProcess() && params->log_min_duration >= 0)
+               startblockreadtime = pgStatBlockReadTime;
                if (params->log_min_duration > 0)
                        starttime = GetCurrentTimestamp();
@@ -686,10 +688,11 @@ do_analyze_rel(Relation onerel, VacuumParams *params,
-                                       (errmsg("automatic analyze of table 
\"%s.%s.%s\" system usage: %s",
+                                       (errmsg("automatic analyze of table 
\"%s.%s.%s\" system usage: IO read time %.2f s, %s",
+                                                       (double) 
(pgStatBlockReadTime - startblockreadtime)/1000000,

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